Introduction to Algebra
Sets of Numbers/Properties of Real Numbers
Identifying Sets of Real Numbers
Determine Expressions that are NOT Real
Determine Rational or Irrational Numbers (Square Roots and Decimals Only)
Real Number Basics
Properties of Real Numbers
Identify the Commutative, Associate, and Distributive Properties of Real Numbers
Use the Commutative and Associate Properties of Real Numbers
Identify Addition Properties of Real Numbers
Identify Multiplication Properties of Real Numbers
Determine the Additive Inverses
Determine the Multiplicative Inverse
Properties of Real Numbers: Mixed Review
Review Properties of Real Numbers While Simplifying Expressions
ID Real Number Properties: Distributive and Associative
ID Real Number Properties: Distributive and Commutative
Review Properties of Real Numbers While Simplifying Expressions
Integer Operations
Adding Integers
Subtracting Integers
Multiply and Divide Integers
Exponential Notation
Ex: Evaluate Exponential Expressions
Ex: Evaluate Exponential Expression
Properties of Exponents
A Discussion: Zero to the Power of Zero - 0^0
The Zero Exponent
Ex: Zero Exponent Property
Ex: Write Repeated Multiplication Using Exponents
Write Equivalent Exponential Terms From Given Numbers
Ex: Expanding and Evaluating Exponential Notation
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Product and Power Rule
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Quotient Rule
Ex 1: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Ex 2: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Ex 3: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Ex: Raising Fractions to Powers
Ex: Expanding and Evaluating Exponential Notation
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Product and Power Rule
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Quotient Rule
Ex: Quotient Rule of Exponents (Positive and Negative)
Ex: Simplify Quotients with Different Bases and Negative Exponents
Ex: Quotient and Negative Exponent Properties
Evaluate and Create Equivalent Exponential Expressions
The Order of Operations
Order of Operations (L1.1)
Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
Order of Operations
Order of Operations (Whole Numbers): a(b+c)^2, a/b+(c-d)^2
Order of Operations (Whole Numbers): a(b+c(d*e-f))
Order of Operations (Whole Numbers): a(b*c-d)+e(f*g-h)
Evaluate a^m + b^n and (a+b)^m
Write Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Simplify Basic Expressions in Fraction Form
Ex 1: Simplify an Expression in Fraction form (Order of Operations)
Ex 2: Simplify an Expression in Fraction form (Order of Operations)
Ex 3: Simplify an Expression in Fraction form (Order of Operations)
Order of Operations: Evaluate 4+6-(3*7^2)-5
Ex: Evaluate an Expressing Using the Order of Operations
Ex: Evaluate Expressions - Square of a Sum and the Sum of Squares
Examples: Evaluate Exponential Expressions
Ex: Evaluate Exponential Expression
Example 1: Evaluate An Expression Using The Order of Operations
Example 2: Evaluate An Expression Using The Order of Operation
Example 3: Evaluate An Expression Using The Order of Operation
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a+b(c+d)
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a+b(c-d)
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a/b+(c-d)^2
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a+b(c+d), (a+b)(c+d)
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a+b/c+d*f
Evaluate an Expression Using the Order of Operations: a-b(c*d-e)
Ex 1: Evaluate an Expression using Order of Operations: a^2-bcd (integers)
Ex 2: Evaluate an Expression using Order of Operations: a^2-bcd (integers)
Ex 3: Evaluate an Expression using Order of Operations: a^2-bcd (integers)
Ex 4: Evaluate an Expression using Order of Operations: a^2-bcd (integers)
Ex: Evaluate an Expressions Using Order of Operations: a/b*c , a-b+c (integers)
Ex: Evaluate an Expression Using Order of Operations: a-b*c (integers)
Examples: Evaluating Negative Numbers Raised to Powers
Ex: Evaluate Expressions Involving Integer Addition
Ex: Evaluate a Sum of Integers Raised to a Power
Ex 1: Evaluate Expressions Involving Integer Subtraction
Ex 2: Evaluate Expressions Involving Integer Subtraction
Ex: Evaluate an Expression Involving Integer Operations
Ex: Simplify an Expression With Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 1: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 2: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 3: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 4: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 5: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 6: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 7: Simplify Expressions Involving Integers Using the Order of Operations
Ex 1: Order of Operations with Integers
Ex 2: Order of Operations with Integers
Simplify an Expression in the Form: a-b+c*d
Simplify an Expression in the Form: a^n*b^m
Simplify an Expression in the Form: (a+b)^2+c*d
Order of Operations With Integers: a(b-(-c))+d
Order of Operations With Integers: a+b(c-d((e^2)+f))
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form: (a-b)^2*(c^3/(d+e))
Order of Operations (Integers): Slope Form (a-b)/(c-d)
Order of Operations (Integers): a-(b-c)
Order of Operations (Integers): a^n-(-b+c)
Order of Operations (Integers): -a/b+(-c-(-d))^2
Order of Operations (Integers): a+(-b)/c+(-d)(-e)^2
Order of Operations (Integers): a[-b+(-c)(-d*e-(-f))]
Order of Operations (Integers): [a-(b-c)^2]/(d^2+e^2)
Evaluating and Writing Algebraic Expressions
Introduction to the Distributive Property
Introduction to The Distributive Property (Basic Examples)
The Distributive Property in the Form a(x+b)
The Distributive Property in the Form a(bx+c)
The Distributive Property with Fractions in the Form a/b(x+c)
The Distributive Property with Negative Integers
Using the Distributive Property to Multiply
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Ex: Simplify Polynomial Expressions - Add/Subtract/Multiply
Introduction to Variables and Variable Expressions
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Writing Algebraic Expressions (L1.1)
Writing Algebraic Expressions
Translating Statements to Algebraic Expressions (Applications)
Translating Statements to Algebraic Expressions (Key Words)
Application: Evaluate a Numerical Expression and Find a Variable Expression (x + a)
Application: Evaluate a Numerical Expression and Find a Variable Expression (a/b)x
Application: Evaluate a Numerical Expression and Find a Variable Expression ax+b
Application: Evaluate a Numerical Expression and Find a Variable Expression a+bx
Ex: Write a Numerical Expression in the Form a-b and a(b+c)
Ex: Write a Numerical Expression in the Form a+b-c and a-b+c
Ex: Write a Numerical Expression in the Form ab-c and a/b+c
Ex: Write a Numerical Expression in the Form 2a and 3a
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form x+c and c-x (less and more)
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form x-c and c-x (subtracted)
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form x-c and c-x (decreased)
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form x^2+cx and (x^3+c)/x
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form (x+c)(x) and (x-a)(x-b)
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form x^2/a+b and (x+a)^3
Ex: Write a Algebraic Expression in the Form (x+a)+(x-b) and ax(bx+c)
Ex: Write an Expressions for Complementary Angles and Supplementary Angles (Basic)
Ex: Write Expressions and Determine the Measure of Complementary Angles
Ex: Write Expressions and Determine the Measure of Supplementary Angles
Write Basic Expressions from Words Modeling Situations
Write Algebraic Expressions from Statements: Form ax+b and a(x+b)
Ex 1: Writing Variable Expressions
Ex 2: Write Algebraic Expressions
Ex 1: Writing Basic Algebraic Expressions
Ex 2: Writing Basic Algebraic Expressions
Write Algebraic Expressions from Statements: Form ax+b and a(x+b)
Determine Equivalent Variable Expressions Using the Distributive Property
Write Basic Expressions from Words Modeling Situations
Writing Algebraic Expressions Involving Percents of An Amount
Ex: Substitute and Evaluate Basic Expressions x+2, 2x, x^2, 2^x
Ex: Substitute and Evaluate Expressions x^2+3, (x+3)^2, x^2+2x+3
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Evaluate Absolute Value Variable Expressions
Evaluate a Variable Expression: b^2-4ac (Whole Numbers)
Evaluate a Variable Expression: b^2-4ac (Integers - Pos Result)
Evaluate a Variable Expression: b^2-4ac (Integers - Neg Result)
Evaluate a Variable Expression a(bx-c)^2-9d (Whole Numbers)
Evaluate a Variable Expression y^3-y^2 (Whole Numbers)
Evaluate a Variable Expression x^2+y^3-z (Integers)
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Evaluating Algebraic Expression (L1.3)
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a-b)/(cd)
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a+b)/(cd)
Ex 1: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a+b)/(c-d)
Ex 2: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a+b)/(c-d)
Ex 1: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a^2+b^2)/(a+b)
Ex 2: Evaluate an Expression in the Form (a^2+b^2)/(a+b)
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form 3x^2y
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form -7x^2-4y^2-8xy+7
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form 6x^2y^2+3xy+4y+5x-8
Circumference, Volume of a Cone, Pythagorean Theorem (L1.5)
Evaluate a Given Variable Expression - Total Cost Application (ax+b)
Evaluate a Given Variable Expression - Debt Application (ax+b)
Write and Evaluate a Variable Expression for Total Cost (ax+b)
Write and Simplify a Variable Expression for Age (ax+b)
Write and Simplify a Variable Expression for a Gift Set (ax+by)
Evaluate Basic Variable Expressions and Write an Associated Equation
Evaluate Variable Expressions with Fractions and Write an Associated Equation
Write and Evaluate a Variable Expression for Cost of Pizzas (ax+b)
Describing the Operations of An Expression - The Story of x (L1.2)
The Distributive Property and Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Introduction to the Distributive Property
The Distributive Property (L2.4)
Introduction to the Distributive Property (Variables)
The Distributive Property with a Power of 10 and Decimal
Write Algebraic Expressions for Applications (L2.5)
Distribution with Fractions - Simplify Perfectly
Distribution with Fractions and Combine Like Terms - Simplify Perfectly
Ex 1: The Distributive Property
Ex 2: The Distributive Property
Using the Distributive Property to Multiply
Like Terms (L2.3)
Combining Like Terms
Introduction to Combining Like Terms
Distribute and Combine Like Terms (Signed)
Simplify Expressions by Combining Like Terms (No Negatives)
Ex 1: Combining Like Terms
Ex 2: Combining Like Terms
Ex 3: Combining Like Terms Requiring Distribution
Simplify and Identify Like Terms 1
Simplify and Identify Like Terms 2
Simplify Algebraic Expressions (Basic)
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions (L2.5)
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Ex: Simplify Variable Expressions by Multiplying
Simplify and Evaluate Algebraic Expressions 1
Simplify and Evaluate Algebraic Expressions 2
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: a-b(cx-d)
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: ax-b(cx-d)
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: a(x+b)-c(x-d)
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: a(bx+c)-d(ex-f)
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: a(bx-cy)-(dx-ey)
Simplify Algebraic Expressions: a(x^2-bx+c)-d(ex^2+fx-g)
Simplify Variable Expressions with Decimals Using Distribution
Simplify Variable Expressions with Fractions Using Distribution
Ex: Simplify Variable Expression with Exponents - Quotient with One Variable
Ex: Simplify Variable Expression with Exponents - Power to Fractional Power
Ex: Simplify Variable Expression with Exponents - Power to Power with Two Variables
Ex 1: Simplify Variable Expression with Exponents - Quotient with Two Variables
Ex 2: Simplify Variable Expression with Exponents - Quotient with Two Variables
Linear Equations in One Variable
Introduction to Linear Equations in One Variable (Common Core Using Construct/Deconstruct Method)
Understanding Expressions and Equations
Translate Basic Expressions and Equations to Words
Construction of Equations Using the Story of the Variable (x) - Two Steps
Construction of Equations Using the Story of the Variable (x) - Multi Steps I
Construction of Equations Using the Story of the Variable (x) - Multi Steps II
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story I (Two Step)
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story I (Three Step)
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story II (Three Step)
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story III (Three Step)
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story I (Four Step)
Solve An Equation Using Deconstruct Story II (Four Step)
Solve an Equation: Deconstruct Method and Traditional Method I
Solve an Equation: Deconstruct Method and Traditional Method II
Introduction to Linear Equations in One Variable
Types of Linear Equations: Conditional, Identity, and Contradiction
The Difference Between an Expression and an Equation
Introduction to Algebraic Equations (L5.1)
Ex: Check to See if a Given Value is a Solution to a Linear Equation in One Variable
Applications of Equations - Heart Rate, Simple Interest, Population Growth (L1.4)
Solve a Ticket Value Problem Using an Equation in One Variable
Solving One-Step Equations with Integers
Is a Given Value a Solution to a Basic Linear Equation (One Var)
Solving One-Step Equations (L5.2)
Solving One Step Equations: The Basics
Ex: Solve One Step Equations By Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers (Var. on Left)
Ex: Solve One Step Equations By Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers (Var. on Left)
Solve One Step Equations Using Division: ax=b (Integers)
Solve One Step Equations by Multiplying by a Reciprocal: a/bx=c (Signed)
Solve a One Step Equation with Decimals (Multiply or Divide)
Ex: Solve One Step Equations By Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers (Var on Right)
Ex: Solve One Step Equations By Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers(Var on Right)
Ex: Solving One Step Equation by Add/Subtracting Integers (Var on Left)
Ex: Solving One Step Equation by Add/Subtracting Integers (Var on Right)
Solve One-Step Equations Using Addition and Subtraction (Whole Numbers)
Solving One Step Equations Using Addition and Subtraction (Integers)
Solving One Step Equations Using Multiplication and Division (Basic)
Solving One Step Equations Using Addition or Subtraction
Solving One Step Equations Using Multiplication or Division
Ex: Solving One Step Equation by Mult/Div. Integers (Var on Left)
Ex: Solving One Step Equation by Mult/Div. Integers (Var on Right)
Ex: Solving One Step Equation in the Form: -x = a
Solve the One-Step Linear Equations -x=-2 and 4=-y
Ex: Solve One Step Linear Equations in One Variable (Mixed Review)
Ex: Solve One Step Equation by Add/Subtract (Simplify 1st)
Ex: Solve One Step Equation by Mult/Div (Simplify 1st)
One Step Linear Equation in One Variable App: Sticker Price
Ex: Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable that Requires Simplifying
Solve a Linear Equation: Simplify then One Step (Add Subtract)
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses: Simplify then One Step (Add Subtract)
Solving Equations Using the Story of x (Part 1)
Solving Equations Using the Story of x (Part 2)
Applications: One Step Equations Involving Multiplication or Division
Distance App: Write and Solve a One Step Equation (Add or Subtract)
Age App: Write and Solve a One Step Equation (Add or Subtract)
Temperature App: Write and Solve a One Step Equation (Add or Subtract)
Cost App: Write and Solve a One Step Equation (Add or Subtract)
Ex: Solving Linear Equations in One Variable with Parentheses
Ex: Solving Linear Equations in One Variable with Parentheses
Solving One-Step Equations with Fractions and Decimal
Solving One Step Equations Involving Fractions
Solving One Step Equations Using Addition and Subtraction (Decimals)
Solving One Step Equations Using Addition and Subtraction (Fractions)
Ex: Solve One Step Equations With Fraction by Adding or Subtracting
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Adding or Subtracting a Fraction (x+a/b = c/d Neg Answer)
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Adding or Subtracting a Fraction (x+a/b = c/d Pos Answer)
Solving One Step Equations Using Multiplication (Fractions)
Ex: Solve One Step Equations With Fraction by Multiplying
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Multiplying by Reciprocal (a/b)x=c/d
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Multiplying by Reciprocal ax=c/d
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Multiplying by Reciprocal (a/b)x=-c
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation by Multiplying by Reciprocal (a/b)x=-c/d
Solving One Step Equations Involving Decimals
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals by Adding and Subtracting
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Add/Subtract)
Ex 1: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Add/Subtract - Signed Decimals)
Ex 2: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Add/Subtract - Signed Decimals)
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals by Multiplying
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals by Dividing
Ex: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Divide)
Ex 1: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Divide - Signed Decimals)
Ex 2: Solve a One Step Equation With Decimals (Divide - Signed Decimals)
Solving One Step Equations: Summary
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable with Simplifying (One-Step Add/Subtract)
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable with Simplifying (One-Step Mult/Div)
Applications: Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
Ex: Percent Equation to Determine a Sale Price
Ex 1: Number Problem: Find a Number given a Relationship
Ex 2: Number Problem: Find a Number given a Relationship
Ex: Find the Length of Two Pieces Cut From a Large Piece Given a Relationship
Ex: Find the Dimensions and Area of a Field Given the Perimeter
Ex: Find the Dimensions of a Bookcase Using a Linear Equation
Ex: Find a Monthly Salary given Annual Salary Including a Bonus
Ex: Find the Number of Coins in a Bag Given the Total Value
Ex: Find an Accrued Value Using Simple Interest (09x-37)
Determine the Amount of Interest Earned (Simple Interest)
Determine a Simple Interest Rate For a Loan with Known Interest
Simple Interest - Determine Account Balance (Monthly Interest)
Simple Interest - Determine Interest Balance (Monthly Interest)
Simple Interest - Determine Principal Balance (Monthly Interest)
Solving Two-Step Equations
Solving Equations Using the Story of x (Part 1)
Solving Equations Using the Story of x (Part 2)
Solving Two-Step Equations (L5.3)
Solving Two Step Equations: The Basics
Solving Two Step Equations (Basic)
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable: Form a-x=b
Ex 1: Solving Two-Step Equations Using Integers
Ex 2: Solving Two-Step Equations Using Integers
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation ax-b=c (Fraction Answer)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation -ax+b=-c (Fraction Answer)
Ex: Solve To Two Step Linear Equations in One Variable (Mixed Review)
Solving Two Step Equations Involving Fractions
Ex: Solve a Two-Step Equation with a Fraction
Ex: Solve an Equation with Fractions
Ex 1: Solve Equations with Fractions (Alternative Method)
Ex 2: Solve Equations with Fractions (Alternative Method)
Ex 1: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - NOT Clearing the Fractions
Ex 2: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - NOT Clearing the Fractions
Ex 3: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - NOT Clearing the Fractions
Ex 4: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - NOT Clearing the Fractions
Ex 5: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - NOT Clearing the Fractions
Solve a Basic Two Step Equation with Fractions (Clear Fractions) a/bx+c/d=e/f
Solve an Equation with Fractions and Variables on Both Sides (Clear Fractions)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation with Decimals ax+b=c
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation with Decimals a+bx=c (Pos Ans)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation with Decimals -a+bx=-c
Ex: Solve a Basic Two Step Equation With Decimals (Clear Decimals)
Ex: Solve an Equation With Decimals and Variables on Both Sides (Clear Decimals)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation With Decimals (Clear Decimals)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Equation With Decimals (Keep Decimals)
Ex 1: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - Clearing the Fractions
Ex 2: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - Clearing the Fractions
Ex 3: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - Clearing the Fractions
Ex 4: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - Clearing the Fractions
Ex 5: Solving a Two Step Equation with Fractions - Clearing the Fractions
Solving Two Step Equations Involving Decimals
Ex: Solve a Two-Step Equation with Decimals
Solving Two Step Equations: Summary
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) 15-3x=36
Solving Multi-Step Equations
Determine the Construction of An Equation (3 Steps)
Solving a Multiple Step Linear Equation in One Variable: a-(bx+c)=x-d
Solving a Multiple Step Linear Equation in One Variable: a-b(cx+e)=x-e
Determine the Construction of An Equation (4 Steps) Ex 1
Determine the Construction of An Equation (4 Steps) Ex 2
Determine the Value of an Expression Using a Given Equation
Determine the Value of an Expression Using a Given Equation (Advanced)
Solving Multi-Step Equations (L5.4)
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable with Simplifying (One-Step Add/Subtract)
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable with Simplifying (One-Step Mult/Div)
Solving Multiple Step Equations
Solve Basic Linear Equations that Require Simplifying x/a = -c + d
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses 3(2x-5)=-30
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses -4(3x-2)=42
Solve Linear Equation with Fractions Two Ways y/5+y/2=3/4
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable with Variables on Both Sides: 2m-9=6m-17
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable with Variables on Both Sides: 2x+8=-2x-24
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses -2(x-8)+14=75-21
Solve a Linear Equation with One Fraction 2/3x-3=12
Solving an Equation in One Variable with Fractions (Keep Fractions 1
Solving an Equation in One Variable with Fractions (Keep Fractions 2
Solve a Linear Equation with One Fraction 4/5x+2=-6
Solve a Linear Equation with Fractions 3/4x-1/6=1/2
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) 2/3+4/5x=3/2
Solve Linear Equation with Fractions Two Ways y/5+y/2=3/4
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) 12+7n=3n-27
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) 4(a+3)+7=a+12
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) -w-2(w+4)=6w-5-w
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable (Traditional) -3(y+6)-y=1/2+2y
Solving an Equation that Requires Combining Like Terms
Solve an Equation with Variable on Both Sides
Solve a Multi-Step Equation with Decimals and Parentheses: a(b-c)-d=-f
Solve a Multi-Step Equation with Parentheses: a-(x+b)+cx=d+e
Solve a Multi-Step Equation with Parentheses: a-b(x-c)+x=d-e
Solve a Multi-Step Equation with Parentheses: a+b=c-d(x+e)+fx
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable with Variables on Both Sides: 2m-9=6m-17
Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable with Variables on Both Sides: 2x+8=-2x-24
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and a Fraction 2/3(9x-12)=8+2x
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and Fractions 4/5(2x+3)=5/2x-3
Solving an Equation in One Variable with Decimals (Keep Decimals) 1
Solving an Equation in One Variable with Decimals (Keep Decimals) 2
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and Decimals 0.35(x-0.6)=0.2(x+1.2)
Solving an Equation with One Set of Parentheses
Solving an Equation with Parentheses on Both Sides
Ex 1: Solve an Equation with Parentheses
Ex 2: Solve an Equation with Parentheses
Ex: Solve an Equation with Variable Terms on Both Sides
Ex 1: Solve an Equation with Variables and Parentheses on Both Sides
Ex 2: Solve an Equation with Variables and Parentheses on Both Sides
Ex : Solving a Multi-Step Linear Equation in One Variable
Ex: Solving a Multi-Step Linear Equation in One Variable
Ex1A : Solve To Multi-Step Linear Equations in One Variable
Ex1B : Solve To Multi-Step Linear Equations in One Variable
Ex2A : Solve To Multi-Step Linear Equations in One Variable
Ex2B : Solve To Multi-Step Linear Equations in One Variable
Solve a Linear Equation One Variable - Parentheses and Vars on Both Sides
Ex 1: Solve an Equation with Fractions with Variable Terms on Both Sides
Ex 2: Solve an Equation with Fractions with Variable Terms on Both Sides
Ex: Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable that Requires Simplifying
Solve a Linear Equation: 2/3x-1/2=-4(3/4x-2)
Solve a Linear Equation: 1/4x+1/2=2(4/5x+3)
Solving Multiple Step Equations Involving Decimals
Ex: Solve a Linear Equation With Decimals and Variables on Both Sides
Solve a Linear Equation with Decimals and Parentheses 0.15(x+10)-0.08(x-50)=2 (No Clearing)
Solve a Linear Equation with Decimals and Parentheses 0.15(x+10)-0.08(x-50)=3 (Clear Decimals)
Ex: Solve an Equation with Decimals and Parentheses
Solving an Equation with Fractions (Clear Fractions)
Solving an Equation with Decimals (Clear Decimals)
Ex: Solve a Multiple Step Equation with Fractions - 1/2y+7=1/8y (Keep Fractions)
Ex: Solve a Multiple Step Equation with Fractions 1/2y+7=1/8y (Clear Fractions)
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and a Fraction 2/3(9x-12)=8+2x
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and Fractions 4/5(2x+3)=5/2x-3
Ex: Solve a Multiple Step Equation with Variables on Both Sides
Ex 1: Solve a Multiple Step Equation with Parentheses and Variables on Both Sides
Ex 2: Solve a Multiple Step Equation with Parentheses and Variables on Both Sides )
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and Decimals 0.35(x-0.6)=0.2(x+1.2)
Linear Equations with No Solutions of Infinite Solutions
Linear Equations with No Solutions of Infinite Solutions (Parentheses)
Solve Linear Equations in One Variable (x+a)/b=c and (ax-b)/c=d
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses: a(x+b)-c=-d
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses Simplifying: -a(x+b)+c=d+e
Solve a an Equation with Variable Terms on Both Sides: Form ax-b=cx
Solve a an Equation with Variable Terms on Both Sides: Form ax+b+cx=-d+ex-f
Solve a an Equation with Variable Terms on Both Sides: Form -a+bx-c-dx=ex+g-hx
Solve a Linear Equation with Parentheses and Variables on Both Sides: -a(x+b)+c=dx+e
Solve a Linear Equation with Brackets and Parentheses: a(-bx+c)=-cx-d(-e-f(gx+h))
Solve a Linear Equation with Fractions and Parentheses: a/b(x-c)-d=e
Solve a Linear Equation with Fractions and Variables on Both Sides: a/bx-c=d/ex-f
Solve a Linear Equation with Fractions and Parentheses: a/b+c/d(x+e)=f/g
Solve a Linear Equation with Fractions and Parentheses: a/b(x-c)-dx=e/f
Solve a Linear Equation with Decimals and Parentheses with Variables on Both Sides
Applications: Writing and Solving Equations
Application: Write and Solve a One Step Equation: Price ax=b (Round)
Application: Write and Solve a One Step Equation: Height (a/b)x=c (Round)
Write and Solve an Equation from a Sentence (x-a)/b=c
Write and Solve an Equation from a Sentence a(x+b)=c
Ex: Write and Solve an Equation for Consecutive Even Integers with a Given Sum
One Step Linear Equation in One Variable App: Sticker Price
Ex: Write and Solve an Equation for Consecutive Natural with a Given Sum
Ex: Write and Solve an Equation for Consecutive Integers with a Given Sum
Ex 1: Write a Linear Equation in One Variable from a Sentence
Ex 2: Write a Linear Equation in One Variable from a Sentence
Ex 3: Write a Linear Equation in One Variable from a Sentence
Write and Solve a Linear Equations to Solve a Number Problem (1)
Write and Solve a Linear Equations to Solve a Number Problem (Consecutive Integers)
Solve a Coin Problem Using an Equation in One Variable
Solve a Ticket Value Problem Using an Equation in One Variable
Writing Expressions to Solve a Linear Equation App: Coins
Writing Expressions to Solve a Linear Equation App: Stamps
Writing Expressions to Solve a Linear Equation App: Ticket Sales
Write Linear Expressions and an Equation Application: Savings Plans
Write a Linear Equation in One Variable App: Increase in Value
Write a Linear Equation in One Variable App: Depreciation
Solve a Coin Problem Using an Equation in One Variable
Solve a Ticket Value Problem Using an Equation in One Variable
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x-a=b (Movie Ticket Price)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x+(x+a)=b (Total Books)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x+a=b (Graded Exams)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: a/bx=c (Original Price From Sale Price)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: a/bx=c (Total People)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x+a=b (Textbooks)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x+(x+a)=b (Number Problem)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: x+(ax+b)=c (Number Problem)
Write and Solve a Linear Equation: ax-b=c (Number Problem)
Application: Write and Solve a Multiple Step Equation: Tickets ax+b(cx-d)=e
Application: Write and Solve a Multiple Step Equation: Perimeter 2(x+a)+2x=b
Linear Equation Application: Coins with a Given Value 5x+10(ax+b)=c
Mixture App: Coffee Blend Given Mix Total Weight (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Contents of Solution Given Relationship (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Snack Blend Given Amount of One Mix Item (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Number of Tickets Given Total Revenue (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Number of Coins Given Total Value and Relationship (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Number of Coins Given Total Value and Total Coins (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Number of 5's and 10's Given Total Value and Relationship (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Number of Bills Given Total Value and Total Bills (One Equation in One Var)
Mixture App: Share of Stock Given Total Value and Relationship (One Equation in One Var)
Equivalent Equations
Modeling Change with Equivalent Equations a(x-c) = d
Modeling Change with Equivalent Equations ax + b = c
Create Equivalent Equations Using Construction Web I (Two Step)
Create Equivalent Equations Using Construction Web II (Two Step)
Create Equivalent Equations Using Construction Row (Two Step)
Determine Equivalent Equations Given x = a (2 Operations)
Determine Equivalent Equations Given x = a (3 Operations) Ex 1
Determine Equivalent Equations Given x = a (3 Operations) Ex 2
Determine Equivalent Equations Given x = a (4 Operations) Ex 1
Determine Equivalent Equations Given x = a (4 Operations) Ex 2
Create Equivalent Equations I (4 Steps)
Create Equivalent Equations II (4 Steps)
Area Application Problems Involving Equations in One Variable
Ex: Find the Height of a Rectangle Given the Area
Ex: Find the Height of a Triangle Given Area (Even Base)
Ex: Find the Height of a Triangle Given Area (Odd Base)
Ex: Find the Height of a Triangle Given Area (Odd Base and Decimal Area)
Ex: Find the Height of a Trapezoid Given Area
Ex: Find the Radius of a Circle Given the Area
Ex: Find an Age Given An Average Age and Relationship Between Two Ages
Literal Equations
Solving One Step Literal Equations
Solving Literal Equations - Part 1 (L7.1)
Solving Literal Equations - Part 2 (L7.1)
Examples 1: Solving a Formula for a Variable
Examples 2: Solving a Formula for a Variable
Ex 1: Solve a Literal Equation for a Variable (Basic)
Ex 2: Solve a Literal Equation for a Variable
Ex 3: Solve a Literal Equation for a Variable
Ex: Literal Equation Application - Perimeter of a Rectangle
Literal Equations: Solve ax-by=c for y
Literal Equations: Solve a/x+b/y=c for y
Literal Equations: Solve n(wb+k)=f+p for n and b
Literal Equations: Solve m=(y-a)/(x-b) for y
Literal Equations: Solve u(gx+c)=y+h for Two Variables
Literal Equations: Solve q/v+9=(6d)/v for v
Literal Equations: Solve 3(a+b)/c=b for a
Literal Equations: Solve 4x-6(x-7x)=(8y)/(16+11) for x
Find the Width of a Rectangle Given the Perimeter / Literal Equation
Find the Base of a Triangle Given Area / Literal Equation
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit / Literal Equation
Solving Equations Graphically
Solving Linear Equations Graphically
Ex: Solve a Linear Equation in One Variable Graphically using the TI84
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable Graphically using the TI84
Solving Linear Equation Application Problems
Problem Solving with Equations
One Step Linear Equation in One Variable App: Sticker Price
Write and Solve Linear Equation - Number Problem with Given Sum
Linear Equation with One Variable App: Find Dimensions of a Rectangle Given the Perimeter
Linear Equation with One Variable App: Find Speed of Cyclists Riding Toward Each Other
Application Problem Using an Equation (Target Heart Rate - L5.5)
Writing Linear Equations to Solve Applications (L6.1)
Ex: Find the Area of a Rectangle Given the Perimeter
Find the Width of a Rectangle Given the Perimeter / Literal Equation
Find the Base of a Triangle Given Area / Literal Equation
Ex: Linear Equation Application - Car Repair with Labor and Parts
Ex: Linear Equation Application - Depth Under Water
Distance = Rate x Time Application Problem
Problem Solving Using Distance, Rate, Time (Running)
Ex: Midpoint of a Segment
Ex: Find the Endpoint of a Segment Given the Midpoint and One Endpoint
Ex: Find Grade Category Percentages and Course Grade Percentage Based on Total Points
Ex: Find the Points Needed to Receive an A in a Class Based on Total Points
Ex: Find a Course Percentage and Grade Using a Weighted Average
Ex: Find a Final Exam Score to Receive a Specific Grade Using Weighted Averages
Ex 1: Application of a Linear Equation in One Variable - Salary Plus Commission
Ex 2: Application of a Linear Equation in One Variable - Salary Plus Commission
Ex: Application of a Linear Equation in One Variable - Equal Saving Amount
Ex: Determine How a Final Exam Score Affect a Course Grade using the TI84 (Weighted Averages)
Linear Equations in Two Variables
The Coordinate Plane, Plotting Points, and Solutions to Linear Equations in Two Variables
Introduction to the Cartesian Plane - Part 1 (L8.1A)
Introduction to the Cartesian Plane - Part 2 (L8.1B)
Plotting Points on the Coordinate Plane
Determine the Ordered Pairs for Points Plotted on the Coordinate Plane
Plot Points Given as Ordered Pairs on the Coordinate Plane
Plot a Point on the Coordinate Plane and Determine Reflections
Working with Scale on the Cartesian Plane (L5.2)
Constructing a Graph From Data (L8.2)
Identify the Quadrant of a Point on the Coordinate Plane
Ex: Plotting Points on the Coordinate Plane
Ex: Identifying the Coordinates of Points on the Coordinate Plane
The Definition of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
Ex: Determine If An Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Equation
Ex: Determine One Value of An Ordered Pair to Satisfy a Linear Equation
Ex: Determine One Value of An Ordered Pair to Satisfy a Linear Equation (Fractions)
Verifying Ordered Pairs Satisfy a Linear Equation in Two Variables (L8.3)
Ex: Determine if Ordered Pairs Satisfy a Linear Inequality in Two Variables (09x-42)
Determine Ordered Pair Solution and then Graph a Linear Equation: y=(a/b)x
Determine Ordered Pair Solution and then Graph a Linear Equation: y=a
Determine Ordered Pair Solution and then Graph a Linear Equation: x=a
Determine Ordered Pair Solution and then Graph a Linear Equation: y=mx+b
Determine Ordered Pair Solution and then Graph a Linear Equation: Ax-y=C
Write Basic Equations from Sentences
Determine Solutions to a Linear Equation in Two Variables
Ex: Determine if Points are on a Given Line
Graphing By Plotting Points: Part 1, Part 2
Ex: Linear Equation with Decimal App - Complete a Table of Values and Find Inputs and Outputs
The Behavior of Graphs (L5.3)
Interpreting a Graph (L5.4)
Creating a Graph From Data (L5.5)
Matching Graphs to Situations (L6.1)
Ex: Area of a Parallelogram on the Coordinate Plane
Ex: Area of a Trapezoid on the Coordinate Plane
Graphing Linear Equations Using a Table of Values
Determine If an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Equation (1)
Determine If an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a Linear Equation (2)
Determine if Ordered Pairs are Solutions to a Linear Equation (y=mx+b)
Interpret the Meaning of Ordered Pairs from a Graph (Linear)
Graphing by Plotting Points - Linear (L6.3)
Using a Table of Values to Graph Linear Equations - Part 1 (L8.4A)
Using a Table of Values to Graph Linear Equations - Part 2 (L8.4B)
Graph Basic Linear Equations by Completing a Table of Values
Complete a Table and Graph a Linear Equation: x and y values (y=mx+b)
Ex: Graph a Linear Equation With a Decimal Slope Using a Table of Values
Ex 1: Graph a Linear Equation Using a Table of Values
Ex 2: Graph a Linear Equation Containing Fractions Using a Table of Values
Ex 3: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using a Table of Values
Find Ordered Pair Solutions to a Linear Equation: Salary Application
Complete a Table and Write an Equation Given the Graph of a Line
Graph Linear Equations Given the Intercepts
Using a Linear Profit Equation to Complete a Table of Values
Graphing Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Graphing Horizontal and Vertical Lines (L8.6)
Ex: Graph a Horizontal Line Using a Table of Values
Ex: Graph a Vertical Line Using a Table of Values
Graphing Linear Equations by Finding Intercepts
Using Intercepts to Graph a Linear Equation (L8.5)
Graph Linear Equations Using Intercepts
Interpret the Meaning of the Intercepts of a Graph (Sales and Profit)
Interpret the Meaning of the Intercepts of a Graph (Time and Distance)
Application: Interpret the Meaning of Intercepts (Linear, Driving Trip)
Application: Interpret the Meaning of Intercepts (Linear, Emptying a Pool)
Ex: State the X and Y Intercepts Given the Graph of a Line
Ex 1: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using the Intercepts
Ex 2: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using the Intercepts
Ex: Determine the x and y Intercepts of a Linear Equation in Slope Intercept Form
Using Models to Make Predictions
Determining Rate of Change and Slope
Rate and Slope
Ex: Determine Which Tables Represent a Linear Function or Linear Relationship
Ex: Identify the Correct Form of the Slope of a Line Given Two Points
Ex: Determine the Slope of a Line Given Two Points (Horizontal and Vertical)
Ex: Given Linear Function, Find the Rate of Change and Initial Value
Determine the Slope of a Line From a Graph (No Formula)
Ex 1: Determine the Slope Given the Graph of a Line (positive slope)
Ex 2: Determine the Slope Given the Graph of a Line (negative slope)
Ex: Determine the Slope Given the Graph of a Horizontal and Vertical Line
Ex: Find the Slope of a Line From the Graph (Positive Slope, Large Scale)
Ex 1: Find the Slope of a Line From the Graph (Negative Slope, Large Scale)
Ex 2: Find the Slope of a Line From the Graph (Negative Slope, Large Scale)
Ex 1: Determine the Slope a Line Given Two Points on a Line
Ex 2: Determine the Slope a Line Given Two Points on a Line
Ex: Find the Slope Given Two Points and Describe the Line
Ex: Find the Slope Given Two Points Containing Fractions and Describe the Line
Ex: Determine the Slope a Line Given Two Points on a Horizontal and Vertical Line
The Slope of a Line: Is the Run Always to the Right?
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change From a Table - Temperatures
Ex: Determine An Average Rate of Change - Price Drop Per Week
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change - Miles Per Hour
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change from a Graph
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change Given a Function Rule
Ex: Average Rate of Change Application - Hot Air Balloon Function
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change Given a Function on [2,t]
Ex: Find the Average Rate of Change Given a Function on [3, 3+h]
Ex: Slope Application Involving Population Growth
Ex: Slope Application Involving Production Costs
Characteristics of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
Graphing a Linear Equations in Slope-intercept form: y=mx+b
Graphing a Line Given a Point and the Slope (L10.2)
Graph Lines Given a Point and the Slope: Horizontal and Vertical
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line
Graphing a Line in Slope-Intercept Form (new)
Using Slope Intercept Form of a Line
Animation: y = mx + b
Ex: Graph a Line and ID the Slope and Intercepts (b=0)
Ex: Graph a Vertical Line and and ID the Slope and Intercepts
Ex: Matching Linear Equations to Graphs of Lines
Slope-Intercept form of a Line
Ex: Graph a Line Given a Point and the Slope
Ex: Graph a Linear Function Using a Table of Values (Function Notation)
Write and Graph a Linear Function by Making a Table of Values (Intro)
Graph a Linear Function as a Transformation of f(x)=x
Ex: Graphing a Horizontal Line and ID the Slope and Intercepts
Ex: Graph a Line and ID the Slope and Intercepts (Integer Slope)
Ex: Graph a Line and ID the Slope and Intercepts (Fraction Slope)
Ex: Determine the Equation of a Line Given the Graph (Large Scale)
Ex 1: Graph a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 2: Graph a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 3: Graph a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 4: Graph a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 1: Graph a Line in Slope Intercept Form - Change of Form of Slope Required (positive)
Ex 2: Graph a Line in Slope Intercept Form - Change of Form of Slope Required (negative)
Determining the Slope and Intercepts of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form (L10.4A)
Graph and Find Key Components of a Line Given in Slope-Intercept Form (L10.4B)
Ex 1: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard From by Writing in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 2: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard From by Writing in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 3: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard From by Writing in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex: Given Linear Equations, Find the Slope and Intercepts
Graphing Lines on the Graphing Calculator
Determining Linear Equations of Lines in Slope-intercept Form
Determining Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form - Part 1 (L11.1A)
Ex: Determine a Linear Equation From a Table of Values (Slope-Intercept Form) (09x-31)
Ex: Determine a Linear Equation Given Slope and a Point (Slope-Intercept Form) (09x-32)
Determining Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form From Tables and Graphs (L11.1B)
Ex 1: Determine the Equation of a Line Given a Table (Basic)
Ex 2: Determine the Equation of a Line Given a Table
Determine the Equation of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the Graph of a Line
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the Graph of a Line
Ex: Determine the Equation of a Line Given the Graph (Large Scale)
Ex 1: Determine the Equation of a Line Graphically Given the Slope and a Point (Integer Slope)
Ex 2: Determine the Equation of a Line Graphically Given the Slope and a Point (Fraction Slope)
Ex 3: Determine the Equation of a Line Graphically Given the Slope and a Point (Fraction Intercept)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the Slope and a Point
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the Graph of a Line
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the Graph of a Line
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line From the Graph (Positive Slope)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line From the Graph (Negative Fraction Slope)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line From the Graph (Negative Integer Slope)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line From the Graph (Horizontal)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line Given a Graph (Large Uneven Scale)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Horizontal and Vertical Line Given the Graph
Ex: Determine the Equation of a Horizontal Line Passing Through a Given Point (09x-33)
Ex 1: Determine the Equation of a Line Graphically Given the Two Points (Integer Slope)
Ex 2: Determine the Equation of Line Graphically Given the Two Points (Fraction Slope)
Determine a Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form Given Two Points with (0,b)
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given Two Points
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given Two Points
Ex: Determine the Equation of a Line Given Two Points (Slope-Intercept Form) (09x-35)
Ex: Find the Linear Function Given Two Function Value in Function Notation
Ex: Determine a Linear Cost Function Given Two Points
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line in Slope Intercept Form Given the X and Y Intercepts
Ex: Find the Equation of a Horizontal Line Given Two Points on the Line
Ex: Find the Equation of a Vertical Line Given Two Points on the Line
Writing Equations From Tables - Linear I (L6.6)
Writing Equations From Tables - Linear II (L6.6)
Writing Equations From Tables - Squaring (L6.6)
Ex: Linear Equation Application (Write a Cost Equation)
Ex: Linear Equation Application (Write a Profit Equation)
Ex: Determine Linear Function Inputs Given Function Values
Ex: Find a Function Value from a Graph (09x-60)
Ex: Find a Function Input From a Table (09x-55)
Ex: Find Function Inputs for a Given Quadratic Function Output
Application; Find Function Outputs, Inputs, Domain and Range (Direct Var)
Application; Find Function Outputs, Inputs, Domain and Range (Linear)
Ex: Interpret a Given Function Value (09x-57)
Ex: Function Inputs and Outputs of a Cost Function (Linear)
Ex: Determine Total Cost and Marginal Cost (No Derivative)
Ex: Find an Output, Input, and Intercept of a Demand Function
Ex: Find Total Revenue, Total Cost, and Total Profit Functions
Determining Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form that Model Situations (L11.3)
Model a Situation with a Table, Graph, and Equation: Linear (Fill a Pool)
Model a Situation with a Table, Graph, and Equation: Linear (Plane Descends)
Ex: Estimate and Interpret the Slope of a Linear Cost Function
Ex: Given a Linear Cost Function and a Charge, Find the Number of Items
Ex: Determine the Slope and Vertical Intercept of a Linear Cost Function
Ex: Determine the Rate of Change and Fixed Cost of a Linear Cost Function
Ex: Find a Linear Cost Function From Ordered Pairs and Interpret the Slope and Vertical Intercept
Ex: Determine an Average Cost Function and Function Value
Linear Equation App: Car Depreciation
Graphing and Determining Linear Equations in Standard Form: Ax + By = C
Introduction to General (Standard) Form of a Linear Equation (L11.4A)
Graph a Linear Equation in General (Standard) Form (L11.4B)
Ex: Determine the Intercepts Given the Graphs of Lines
Standard Form of a Line
Determine Intercepts from Graphs of Lines
Determine Intercepts from Linear Equation in General Form: ax+by+c=0
Determine Intercepts from Linear Equation in Slope-Intercept Form: y=mx
Determine the Intercepts and Behavior of Linear Functions From a Graph
Graphing Lines by Finding Intercepts
Ex: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using a Table of Values
Ex: Graph a Linear Equation in Standard Form Using the Intercepts
Ex 1: Given Linear Equation in Standard Form, Write in Slope-Intercept Form to Graph
Ex 2: Given Linear Equation in Standard Form, Write in Slope-Intercept Form to Graph
Ex: Match the Graph of a Line to the Correct Equation in Standard Form
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line in Standard Form Given Two Points
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line in Standard Form Given Two Points
Application of a Linear Equation in General (Standard) Form (L11.5)
Graphing and Determining Linear Equations in Point-slope Form: y-y1=m(x-x1)
Point Slope Form of a Line
Ex: Graph a Linear Equation in Point-Slope Form
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line in Point Slope and Slope Intercept Form Given a Graphed Line
Ex: Find the Equation of a Line in Point Slope and Slope Intercept Form Given the Slope and a Point
Ex: The Equation of the Line in Point-Slope and Slope Intercept Form Given Two Points
Finding Linear Equations
Determining Linear Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
The Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines: Part 1, Part 2
Determine the Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Given a Slope
Determine the Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Given Two Points
Determine the Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Given a Graph of a Line
Determine if Two Lines Are Parallel, Perpendicular or Neither Given Two Points (Parallel)
Determine if Two Lines Are Parallel, Perpendicular or Neither Given Two Points (Perpendicular)
Determine if Two Lines Are Parallel, Perpendicular or Neither Given Two Points (Neither)
Determining Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (L11.2)
Determine the Equation of a Line Parallel to a Line in General Form
Determine the Equation of a Line Perpendicular to a Line in Slope-Intercept Form
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (old)
Ex: Determine the Equation of a Line Parallel to A Given Line Passing Thru a Given Point (09x-34)
Ex 1: Determine the Equation of a Parallel Line Graphically
Ex 2: Determine the Equation of a Parallel Line Graphically (Line Only)
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line Parallel to a Given Line Passing Through a Given Point
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line Parallel to a Given Line Passing Through a Given Point
Ex: Linear Function Population Growth (Parallel Lines Application)
Ex 1: Determine the Equation of a Perpendicular Line Graphically
Ex 2: Determine the Equation of a Perpendicular Line Graphically (Line Only)
Ex 3: Determine the Equation of a Perpendicular Line Graphically (Fraction Intercept)
Ex 1: Find the Equation of a Line Perpendicular to a Given Line Passing Through a Given Point
Ex 2: Find the Equation of a Line Perpendicular to a Given Line Passing Through a Given Point
Ex: Find the Equation of a Perpendicular and Horizontal Line to a Horizontal Line
Ex: Find the Equation of a Perpendicular and Horizontal Line to a Vertical Line
Ex: Find the Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Using Slope Intercept Form
Applications: Solving Linear Equations in Two Variables
Describe Situations Using Given Linear Equations in Two Variables
Interpret the Meaning of the Slope of a Linear Equation - Smokers
Interpret the Meaning of the Slope Given a Linear Equation - Median Home Values
Interpret the Meaning of the y-intercept Given a Linear Equation
Make a Prediction Using a Linear Equation - Home Value
Make a Prediction Using a Linear Equation (Horizontal Intercept) - Smokers
Application: Writing Linear Equation in General Form (Part 1)
Application: Writing Linear Equation in General Form (Part 2)
Interpret the Slope and Intercepts of a Linear Function (L10.3)
Ex: Write a Linear Equation that Models Cricket Chirps (Linear Equation Application)
Ex: Write a Linear Equation that Models Depreciation (Linear Equation Application)
Ex: Write a Linear Equation From Point Slope Form to Slope Intercept Form
Ex: Determine a Linear Function From An Application (School Enrollment) (09x-36)
Ex: Determine an Equation of a Linear Function - Tuition App (09x-56)
Ex: Given the Interest, Find the Amount of Money in Two Accounts Earning Different Interest
Ex: Find the Rate of Two Cyclist Traveling Toward Each Other
Ex: Find the Distance Between To Cities Using d = rt formula
Ex: Find When Two People Leaving the Same Place At Different Rates and Time Will Meet
Linear Business Application
Ex: Linear Equation Application (Cost of a Rental Car)
Ex: Linear Equation Application (Write a Cost Equation)
Ex: Write a Linear Equation Given Fixed and Variable Costs
Ex: Linear Equation Application: Write a Profit Equation
Ex: Linear Equation Model for Submarine Depth
Ex: Linear Application: Oil Reserves
Ex: Linear Equations Application – Statins
Ex: Linear Equation Application - Write an Equation Involving Saving Money
Ex: Linear Equation Application - Write an Equation Involving Population Decrease
Ex: Find a Final Exam Score to Receive a Specific Grade Using Weighted Averages
Ex: Determine How a Final Exam Score Affect a Course Grade using the TI84 (Weighted Averages)
Ex: Find a Course Percentage and Grade Using a Weighted Average
Ex: Find Grade Category Percentages and Course Grade Percentage Based on Total Points
Ex: Find the Points Needed to Receive an A in a Class Based on Total Points
Ex: Given a Linear Model, Interpret the Meaning of the Slope and Make Predictions
Ex 1: Determining Linear Model for Population Growth
Ex 2: Determining a Linear Model for Population Growth
Ex: Model Depreciation Using a Linear Function (Determine Slope)
Ex: Model the Balance of a Gift Card Using a Linear Function ( m and b given)
Ex: Model the Cost of a Rental Truck Using A Linear Function (m and b given)
Ex: Model Sales Using a Linear Function Given a Table of Values
Ex: Model Purchases Using a Linear Model - Challenging (given m and b)
Ex: Model Population Using a Linear Function (m and b given)
Ex: Model Population Using a Linear Function (Determine Slope)
Ex: Find a Linear Equation Application - Cell Phone Plan
Ex: Savings Linear Function Application (Slope, Intercept Meaning)
Ex: Work Linear Function Application (Slope, Intercept Meaning)
Ex: Determine the Linear Cost Revenue, and Profit Functions From a Story
Ex: Determine Total Cost of School with Tuition and Fees
Ex: Given a Linear Cost Function and Bugdet, Find the Number of Items that Can be Produced
Ex: Determine and Interpret Slope of a Linear Cost Function
Ex: Determine a Piecewise Linear Cost Function
Linear Equation App: Modeling Tuition Cost Using a Linear Equation
Direct Variation
Direct Variation
Ex 1: Graph a Direct Variation Equation (positive slope)
Ex 2: Graph a Direct Variation Equation (negative slope)
Ex: Direct Variation Equation
Ex: Direct Variation (Distance = Rate x Time)
Hooke's Law - Direction Variation Application
Performing Linear Regression
Introduction to Regression Analysis
Estimate the Correlation Coefficient Given a Scatter Plot
Linear Regression on the TI84 Graphing Calculator
Ex: Use a Line of Best Fit to Make Predictions
Ex: Determine a Line of Best Fit and Make Predictions
Ex: Linear Regression Application on the TI84 - Supply and Demand
Linear Regression Using
Ex: Make a Prediction Given the Results of Performing Linear Regression
Ex: Graphical Interpretation of a Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit
Ex 1: Create a Scatter Plot and then Perform Linear Regression on the Calculator
Ex 2: Creating a Scatter Plot and Performing Linear Regression on the Calculator
Linear Regression – Example 1, Example 2
Linear Regression on the TI84 Graphing Calculator
Linear Regression Application on the TI-84
TI-84: Linear Regression, r and r-squared
TI-84: Linear Regression - Meaning of Slope and Vertical Intercept (Investment)
Linear Regression Using Desmos
Introduction to Functions
Function Basics
Introduction to a Function: Part 1, Part 2
Introduction to Relations and Functions (L9.1)
Introduction to Function Notation (L9.2)
Introduction to Discrete and Continuous Variables
Introduction to Discrete and Continuous Functions
Represent a Discrete Function Using Ordered Pairs, a Table, and Function Notation
Determine if Ordered Pairs Represent a Function and Describe Behavior
Ex: Determine if Statements Represent Functions
Ex 1: Reading and Interpreting the Graph of a Function (Time and Distance)
Ex 2: Reading and Interpreting the Graph of a Function (Wind Chill Factor)
Application: Determine the Meaning of Function Values
Ex: Use a Table To Find Function Inputs and Outputs - Items Sold Application
Determine Quadratic Function Values
Determine Rational Function Values
Determine Function Outputs, Inputs, Domain and Range Given a Linear Graph
Ex: Write an Expression to Complete a Table and Answer Questions (Gross Pay)
Write an Expression and Evaluate: Pay Applications (ax+by)
Function Notation Application
Linear Functions
Introduction to Linear Functions and Slope (L10.1)
Linear Function As a Table, Graph, and Equation (Cell Phone Plan)
Linear Function Application (L8.6)
Using Rates of Change to Build Tables and Graphs (L9.4A)
Using Rates of Change to Build Tables and Graphs (L9.4B)
Using Rates of Change to Build Tables and Graphs
Determine if a Table of Values Represents a Linear Function (L9.5)
Determine if a Table of Values Represents a Linear Function
Interpreting a Linear Function in Slope-Intercept Form (L10.5)
Ex: Determine Linear Function Outputs and Inputs (Applications)
Ex: Determine Function Inputs Using the Graph of a Function
Determine Ordered Pairs from a Graph (Outputs or y-values only)
Determine Ordered Pairs from a Graph (Inputs and Outputs)
Ex: Find Function Output and Input Using a Graph, Table, Ordered Pairs, and Function Rule
Ex: Determine if a Function is Increasing, Decreasing, or Constant from Graph, Table, and Ordered Pairs
Ex: Linear Function Application - Find Revenue, Cost, Profit Functions and Breakeven Point
Ex: Interpret the y-intercept and Slope of a Linear Model
Ex: Determine if a Linear Function is Increasing or Decreasing
Ex 1: Determine the Zeros of Linear Functions
Ex 2: Determine the Zeros of Linear Functions
Determine Key Characteristics of a Function Over a Closed Interval Using the Graph
Ex: Determine a Linear Function Model - Price and Quantity
Ex: Function Notation Application Problem
Ex: Write a Cost Function and Complete a Table of Values
Ex: Complete a Table of Values Given a Function Rule
Ex 1: Write a Function Rule Given a Table of Values
Ex 2: Write a Function Rule Given a Table of Values
Ex 3: Write a Function Rule Given a Table of Values
Ex: Write an Equation in Two Variables From a Sentence
Ex: Graph a Linear Function Using a Table of Values
Write Basic Functions from Applications - One Step
Ex: Writing Function Rules - Two Operations
Ex: Writing Function Rules - Three Operations
Ex: Determine a Linear Demand Function
Interpreting a Graph of a Function (L7.5)
Describing Function Rules and Writing Functions (L8.1)
Applications of Formulas in Function Notation (L8.3)
Graphing Functions by Plotting Points - Linear (L8.4)
Graphing Functions by Plotting Points - Quadratic(L8.4)
Graphing Functions by Plotting Points - Constant (L8.4)
Connecting Different Representations of Functions - Given Function Table (L8.5)
Connecting Different Representations of Functions - Given Function Formula (L8.5)
Connecting Different Representations of Functions - Given Function in Words (L8.5)
Connecting Different Representations of Functions - Given Graph (L8.5)
Creating Graphs to Represent Stories
Determine Graphs That Are Possible and Impossible to Model Situations
Determine the Independent and Dependent Variables of a Cost Function
Determine the Independent and Dependent Variables of a Height Function
Determining Function Values
Function Notation
Evaluating Functions Using Function Notation (L9.3)
Finding Values of Functions
Determine Linear Function Values and Express as Ordered Pairs
Determine a Variety of Function Values
Ex: Find an Output of a Demand Function
Ex: Determine Function Inputs and Outputs Given a Function as Ordered Pairs
Determine Function Outputs, Inputs, Domain and Range Given a Linear Graph
Ex: Determine Function Inputs and Outputs Given a Function Rule
Ex 1: Determine Function Values Given a Quadratic Function
Determine Square Root Function Values
Ex 2: Determine Function Values Given a Square Root Function
Ex 3: Determine Function Values Given a Rational Function
Ex: Determine Various Function Outputs for a Quadratic Function
Ex 1: Determine a Function Value From a Graph
Ex 2: Determine a Function Value From a Graph
Ex 3: Determine a Function Value From a Piecewise Defined Graph
Ex: Evaluate and Solve for Functions Given as a Table
Ex1: Evaluate a Function and Solve for a Function Value Given a Graph
Ex2: Evaluate a Function and Solve for a Function Value Given a Graph
Ex: Linear Function Application - Output/Input
Ex: The Sum of Two Function Values With the Same Input
Ex: The Difference of Two Function Values With the Same Input
Ex: The Sum and Difference of Two Function Values With Different Inputs
Ex: Given a Graph and a Function Value, Determine the Input or X-Value
Ex 1: The Difference Quotient (Linear Function)
Ex 2: The Difference Quotient (Quadratic Function)
Ex 3: The Difference Quotient (Quadratic Function)
Ex: Write a Linear Relation as a Function
Determine Function Values Using Function Notation on the TI84
The Properties of Functions
The Algebra of Functions
Ex: Function Arithmetic - Determine Function Values from a Table
Ex: Function Arithmetic - Determine Function Values from a Graph
Ex: Determine Function Values from the Graph of a Function (Cubic)
Determine Function Input and Outputs from a Graph (Linear)
Determine Function Input and Outputs from a Graph (Exponential)
Function Arithmetic (Sum): (f+g)(x) and (f+g)(4) – Quadratic
Function Arithmetic (Difference): (f-g)(x) and (f-g)(-2) – Quadratic
Function Arithmetic (Product): (f*g)(x) and (f*g)(-2)
Function Arithmetic (Quotient): (f*g)(x) and (f*g)(-3) - Long Division
Ex: Function Values Using Function Arithmetic
Ex 1: Function Arithmetic - Addition and Subtraction
Ex 2: Function Arithmetic - Addition and Subtraction with Fractional Inputs
Function Arithmetic (Add): f(x)+g(x) with Rational Functions
Function Arithmetic (Subtract): f(x)-g(x) with Rational Functions
Ex 1: Function Arithmetic - Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide
Ex 2: Function Arithmetic - Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide with Fractional Inputs
Ex: Function Arithmetic - Function Division (Dividing by a Monomial)
Ex 1: Find Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient of Function (Function Arithmetic)
Ex 2: Find Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient of Function (Function Arithmetic)
Introduction to Odd and Even Functions
Determine if Various Functions are Even, Odd, or Neither Using Function Rules and Graphs
Ex 1: Determine if a Function is Odd, Even, or Neither
Ex 2: Determine if a Function is Odd, Even, or Neither
Symmetry Introduction: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Ex: Symmetry: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Determine the Domain of Various Functions
Determine Vertical Intercepts of Various Functions
Graphing Functions
Graphing 9 Basic Functions
The Domain and Range of 9 Basic Functions
Determine the Domain and Range from a Graph of a Piecewise Defined Function
Symmetry Introduction: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Ex: Symmetry: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Ex: Graph an Absolute Value Function Using a Table of Values
Ex: Graph a Square Root Function Using a Table of Values
Ex: Graph a Quadratic Function Using a Table of Values
Graphing Cubic Functions
Ex: Graph a Cubic Function Using a Table of Values
Graphing Nonlinear Functions
Graphing the Basic Square Root Function
Graphing Rational Functions
Determine a Basic Piecewise Defined Function
Interpreting and Graphing Piecewise Functions
Graphing Piecewise Defined Function by Hand and on the Calculator
Graph a Function with a Domain Restriction Using Desmos
Graph a Piecewise Defined Function Using Desmos (2 parts)
Graph a Piecewise Defined Function Using Desmos (3 parts)
Graph and Determine Function Values of a Piecewise Function
Ex: Determine Function Values for a Piecewise Defined Function
Ex 1: Graph a Piecewise Defined Function
Ex 2: Graph a Piecewise Defined Function
Ex 3: Graph a Piecewise Defined Function
Determine the Correct Graph for a Piecewise Defined function
Ex 1: Determine the Function From the Graph of a Piecewise Defined Function
Ex 2: Determine the Function From the Graph of a Piecewise Defined Function
The Floor Function (Greatest Integer Function)
Graphing the Floor Function (Greatest Integer Function) on the TI84
Ex 1: Solve Equations and Inequalities Expressed Using Function Notation Graphically
Ex 2: Solve Equations and Inequalities Expressed Using Function Notation Graphically
Determining if a Relations is a Function
Determine if an Equation Represents a Function (Basic)
Determine if a relation is Function
The Vertical Line Test
Ex: Determine if a Table Values Represents a Function
Ex 1: Use the Vertical Line Test to Determine if a Graph Represents a Function
Ex 2: Use the Vertical Line Test to Determine if a Graph Represents a Function
Determine if Ordered Pairs Represent a Function and Describe Behavior
Determining the Domain and Range of a Function
Introduction to Domain and Range (L9.4)
Complete an Input Output Table (Expression)
Determine the Domain and Range of a Function Given as a Table (Horizontal and Vertical)
Ex 1: Find Domain and Range of Ordered Pairs, Function or Not
Determine the Domain and Range of a Relation Given as Ordered Pairs, then Determine if it Represents a Function
Ex: Find the Domain of a Function From a Graph (09x-58)
Ex: Find the Range of a Function From a Graph (09x-59)
Determine the Domain and Range of Discrete Functions: Ordered Pairs, Table
Ex: Determine the Domain from the Graph of Various Functions - Linear Form
Ex: Determine the Domain and Range from the Graph Function Modeling a Submarine Ascent
Determine the Domain and Range from a Graph: Semicircle
Find the domain and range
Ex: Give the Domain and Range Given the Points in a Table
Ex: Give the Domain and Range Given the Points on the Coordinate Plane
Ex 1: Find Domain and Range of Ordered Pairs, Function or Not
Ex 2: Find Domain and Range of Ordered Pairs, Function or Not
Determine Which Horizontal Tables Represent Functions (Includes Mapping)
Determine Which Vertical Tables Represent Functions (Includes Mapping)
Determine Which Sets of Ordered Pairs Represent Functions (Includes Mapping)
Detetermine Which Mappings Represent Functions
Ex: Give the Domain and Range Given the Graph of a Function
Ex 1: Determine the Domain and Range of the Graph of a Function
Ex 2: Determine the Domain and Range of the Graph of a Function
Practical Domain and Practical Range (L9.5)
Determine the Practice Domain and Practical Range of a Quadratic Function: Projectile
Ex: Find the Practical Domain of a Profit Function (Linear)
Ex: Determine the Domain of a Square Root Function
Ex: Determine the Domain of an Absolute Value Function
Ex: Determine the Domain of a Rational Function
Ex: The Domain of a Function Containing a Square Root and a Denominator
Domain of Rational, Square Root, and Logarithm Functions
Interpreting Linear Functions
Ex 1: Interpret the Meaning of a Linear Function - Salary Application
Ex 2: Interpret the Meaning of a Linear Function - Profit Application
Determining Odd and Even Functions
Introduction to Odd and Even Functions
Ex 1: Determine if a Function is Odd, Even, or Neither
Ex 2: Determine if a Function is Odd, Even, or Neither
Introduction to Symmetry about the x-axis, y-axis, and the origin Using Points
Determine Points that are Symmetrical Across the x-axis, y-axis, and the Origin
Symmetry Introduction: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Ex: Symmetry: x-axis, y-axis, the origin
Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Solving Linear Inequalities
Writing Inequalities From Statements
Introduction to Basic Inequalities in One Variable (L7.2)
Determine the Construction Steps of a Two Step Inequality
Determine the Construction Steps of a Three Step Inequality
Write Inequalities as Words
Create an Inequality Web (No Variables)
Create an Inequality Web (With Variable)
Writing Expression, Equations, or Inequalities from Statements 1
Writing Expression, Equations, or Inequalities from Statements 2
Writing Inequalities from Statements (Abstract)
Write Inequalities and Equivalent Inequalities From Statements
App: Write an Inequality that Models a Situation
Graph Linear Inequalities in One Variable (Basic)
Express Inequalities as a Graph and Interval Notation
Writing Equations and Inequalities for Scenarios
Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable (L7.3)
Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Ex: Graphing Basic Inequalities and Expressing Using Interval Notation
Discover the Rule for Solving Inequality (Inequality Web)
Ex: Solving One Step Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting (Variable Left Side)
Ex: Solving One Step Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting (Variable Right Side)
Ex: Solve One Step Linear Inequality by Dividing (Variable Left)
Ex: Solve One Step Linear Inequality by Dividing (Variable Right)
Ex: Solving a One Step Linear Inequality by Multiplying
Solving Two-Step Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Ex: Solve a Two Step Linear Inequality (Variable Left)
Ex: Solve a Two Step Linear Inequality (Variable Right)
Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable (ax<bx+c)
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable (ax<b(cx+d))
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable (ax>b+c(dx+e))
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable (ax+b<cx+d) Reverse
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality Requiring Multiple Steps (Parentheses)
Ex: Solve a Multiple Step Linear Inequality (Variable Both Sides)
Solve an Inequality (-(4m-5)+3)/4<6
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality with Decimals
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality with Parentheses
Solving a Linear Inequality in One Variable with Fractions: (a/b)x-c/d < e
Solving a Linear Inequality in One Variable with Fractions and Variables on Both Sides: (-a/b)x+c/d<= e -x/f
Ex 1: Solve a Linear Inequality Given Function Notation Using a Graph
Ex 2: Solve a Linear Inequality Given Function Notation Using a Graph
Linear Inequalities Applications
Problem Solving with Inequalities
Linear Inequalities in One Variable Application Problems (L7.4)
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable Application Problem (Commission Job)
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable Application Problem (Two Cell Phone Plans)
Ex: Solve a Linear Inequality in One Variable Application Problem (Compare Two Job Offers)
Write and Solve an Inequality to Represent a Situation: Elevator Weight
Write and Solve an Inequality to Represent a Situation: Luggage Dimensions
Inequality App: Velocity of an Arrow (a-bx>0)
Inequality App: Cost of an Car Ride or Taxi (ax+b<=c)
App: Write and Solve an Inequality that Models a Situation (Meal Cost)
App: Write and Solve an Inequality that Models a Situation (Miles Run)
Inequality in One Variable Application: Rental Car Cost
Inequality in One Variable Application: Simple Interest
Inequality in One Variable Application: Profit
Inequality in One Variable Application: Water Bill
Inequality in One Variable Application: Cable Bill
Inequality in One Variable Application: Compare Two Job - Salary Plus Commission
Inequality in One Variable Application: Dales for Desired Salary
Inequality in One Variable Application: Commission Versus Base Plus Commission
Linear Inequality App: Maximum Miles in a Taxi Given Total Cost
Inequality App: Cost of a Car Ride or Taxi (ax+b less than or equal to c)
Using Interval Notation
Interval Notation
Set-Builder Notation
Given Interval in Words, Graph and Give Interval Notation
Given Interval in Words, Graph and Give Inequality
Given Interval Notation, Graph and Give Inequality
Given an Inequality, Graph and Give Interval Notation
Intervals: Given an Inequality, Graph the Interval and State Using Interval Notation
Intervals: Given the Graph of an Interval, State as an Inequality and Using Interval Notation
Intervals: Given Interval Notation, Graph the Interval and State as an Inequality
Ex: Express Intervals Using Inequalities, Using a Graphs, an Using Interval Notation
Ex 2: Express Intervals Using Inequalities, Graphs, and Interval Notation
Solving and Graphing Compound Inequalities
Introduction to Basic Compound Inequalities - AND Only (L7.5)
Solutions to Basic OR Compound Inequalities
Solutions to Basic AND Compound Inequalities
Compound Inequalities
Ex: Graph Basic Compound Inequalities
Ex 1: Solve a Compound Inequality Involving AND (Intersection)
Ex 2: Solve a Compound Inequality Involving AND (Intersection)
Ex 3: Solve a Compound Inequality Involving AND (Intersection)
Ex: Solve a Compound Inequality Involving OR (Union)
Ex: Solve a Multiple Step Compound Inequality (OR / Union)
Ex: Solve a Compound Inequality (No Solution)
Ex: Solve a Compound Inequality (All Real Numbers Solution)
App: Write an Compound Inequality that Models a Situation
Absolute Value Equations and Absolute Value Inequalities
Solving Absolute Value Equations
Determine if Ordered Pairs are Solutions to a Absolute Value Equation
Absolute Value Equations
Solving Absolute Value Equation Using Multiplication and Division
Ex 1: Solving Absolute Value Equations
Ex 2: Solving Absolute Value Equations
Ex 3: Solving Absolute Value Equations (Requires Isolating Abs. Value)
Ex 4: Solving Absolute Value Equations (Requires Isolating Abs. Value)
Ex 5: Solving Absolute Value Equations (Requires Isolating Abs. Value)
Solve an Absolute Value Equation: |ax-b|-c=d
Solve an Absolute Value Equation with Fractions: |(a/b)x+c|-d=e
Solve an Absolute Value Equation with Fractions: a+b/c|dx+e/f|=g
Ex: Solving Absolute Value Equations on the Graphing Calculator
Absolute Value Equations with No Solutions
Solving Absolute Value Inequalities
Ex: Determine Solutions to Absolute Value Inequalities
Ex: Solve Basic Absolute Value Equations (Graph and Interval Notation)
Ex: Determine Solutions to Inequalities in One Variable
Introduction to Basic Absolute Value Equations and Absolute Value Inequalities (L7.6)
Absolute Value Inequalities
Ex 1: Solve and Graph Basic Absolute Value inequalities
Ex 2: Solve and Graph Absolute Value inequalities
Ex 3: Solve and Graph Absolute Value inequalities
Ex 4: Solve and Graph Absolute Value inequalities (Requires Isolating Abs. Value)
Ex 5: Solve and Graph Absolute Value inequalities Involving Fractions
Ex 6: Solve and Graph Absolute Value inequalities (Requires Isolating Abs. Value)
Ex: Solve Absolute Value Inequalities on the Graphing Calculator
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Solving Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Introduction to Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (L11.6)
The Difference Between a Linear Equation and Linear Inequality (Two Variables)
Use a Graph Determine Ordered Pair Solutions of a Linear Inequality in Two Variable
Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (L11.7)
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Ordered Pair Solutions to Linear Inequalities of Two Variables
Determining Solutions to Linear Inequalities of Two Variables from a Graph
Writing a Linear Inequality of Two Variables from a Graph
Ex: Determine if Ordered Pairs Satisfy a Linear Inequality
Ex 1: Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Slope Intercept Form)
Ex 2: Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Standard Form)
Ex: Graphing a Linear Inequality in One Variable on the Coordinate Plane (Horizontal Line)
Ex: Graphing a Linear Inequality in One Variable on the Coordinate Plane (Vertical Line)
Ex: Linear Inequality in Two Variables Application Problem (Phone Cost: Day and Night Minutes)
System of Equations and Inequalities
Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
Ex: Determine if Point is a Solution to a System of Linear Equations (09x-38)
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing - Part 1 (L12.1A)
Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing - Part 2 (L12.1B)
Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
Determining the Intersection of Two Graph on the TI83/84
Determine the Number of Solutions to a System of Linear Equation From a Graph
Ex: Solve a System of 2 Equations with 2 Unknowns by Graphing on the TI84
Ex: Determine Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations Graphically
Ex: Solve a Linear System of Equations by Graphing (Horizontal and Vertical Lines)
Ex: Identify the Solution to a System of Equation Given a Graph, Then Verify
Ex 1: Solve a System of Equations by Graphing
Ex 2: Solve a System of Equations by Graphing
Solve a System of Linear Equations by Graphing (One Solution)
Ex: Solve a System of Equations by Graphing (Infinite Solutions)
Ex: Solve a Linear System of Equations by Graphing (Infinite Solutions)
Ex: Solve a System of Equations by Graphing (No Solution)
Ex: Solve a Linear System of Equations by Graphing (No Solution)
Solve a System of Equation by Graphing (Infinite Solutions, No Solution)
Ex 1: Find the Intersection of Two Linear Functions
Ex 2: Find the Intersection of Two Linear Functions
Ex: Find the Area of a Triangle Bounded by a Line, a Perpendicular Line, and the Y-Axis
Regression and Systems of Equations: Application
Determine Points of Intersection Using Desmos (Linear and Quad)
Determine Points of Intersection Using a Free Online Graph Calc (Lin and Quad)
Graph and Determine Intercepts of a Function Using a Free Online Calc (MathAS)
Solving Systems of Equations Using Substitution
Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using Substitution (L12.2)
Ex: Solve a System of Linear Equations Using Substitution (Integer Values) (09x-39)
Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution
Ex 1: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution
Ex 2: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution
Ex 3: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution
Ex 4: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution
Ex: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution - Infinite Solutions
Ex: Solve a System of Equations Using Substitution - No Solution
Ex: Solve Systems of Linear Equations Using Substitution (Mixed Review - All Types)
Ex: Intersection of a Line and a Circle - Applications
Solving Systems of Equations Using Elimination
Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using Addition (Elimination) (L12.3)
Ex: Solve a System of Linear Equations Using Elimination/Addition (Integer Values) (09x-41)
Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination
Ex 1: Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination Method
Ex 2: Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination Method
Ex 3: Solve a System of Equations Using the Elimination Method
Solve a System of Linear Equations with Fractions Using Elimination (1)
Solve a System of Linear Equations with Fractions Using Elimination (2)
Ex: Solve a System of Equations Using Eliminations (Fractions)
Ex: System of Equations Using Elimination (Infinite Solutions)
Ex: System of Equations Using Elimination (No Solution)
Solving Applications Using Systems of Equations
Ex: Write a System of Linear Equations From Given Information (09x-40)
Write Linear Equations to Model and Compare Cell Phone Plans with Data Usage
Applications Involving Systems of Equations
Application Using a System of Linear Equations (L12.4)
Ex: Solve an Application Problem Using a System of Linear Equations (09x-43)
More Applications Involving Systems of Equations
Ex: System of Equations Application - Number Problem Using Substitution
Ex: System of Equations Application - Number Problem Using Elimination
Ex: System of Equations Application - Compare Phone Plans
Ex: System of Equations Application - Entrance Fees
Ex: System of Equations Application - Coin Problem
Ex: System of Equations Application - Plane and Wind Problem
Ex: System of Equations Application - Commission and Salary
Ex: System of Equations Application - Investment Accounts
Ex: System of Equations Application (Corral Perimeter)
Ex: System of Equations Application - Mixture Problem
Ex: System of Linear Function Application - Median Home Prices
Ex: System of Equations Application - Supply and Demand
Ex: System of Equations App - Number of Chickens and Pigs
Ex: System of Equations App - Run Distance of Two Runners
Ex: System of Equations App - Number of Marbles
Ex: System of Equations App - Number of Tacos and Burritos
Ex: System of Equations App - Nut Mixture
Ex: System of Equations App - When Two Accounts Have Same Balance
Ex: Intersection of a Line and a Circle - Applications
System of Equations App: Break-Even Point
Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities
Systems of Linear Inequalities
Determine if an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a System of Linear Equations
Determine if an Ordered Pair is a Solution to a System of Linear Inequalities
Graphing a System of Linear Equations
Ex 1: Graph a System of Linear Inequalities
Ex 2: Graph a System of Linear Inequalities
Ex 3: Graph the feasible Region of a System of Linear Inequalities
Determine the Solution to a System of Inequalities (Compound)
Graph the Solution to a System of Inequalities. (Quadratic/Linear) Bounded
Graph the Solution to a System of Inequalities. (Quadratic/Linear) Unbounded
Graph the Solution to a System of Inequalities. (Quadratic/Linear) No Solution
Select The System of Inequalities from the Graph of the Solution
Solve a System of Equations (Nonlinear) y=x-2, xy=3
Solve a NonLinear System of Equations (Linear and Quadratic)
Solving Systems of Three Equations with Three Unknowns
System of Equations in Three Variables: Part 1, Part 2
Ex: Solve a System of 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns Using Back Substitution
Solve a System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: Back Substitution Only
Solve a Basic System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: One Solution with No Multiplying
Ex 1: System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns Using Elimination
Ex 2: System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns Using Elimination
Ex 3: System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns Using Elimination (Fractions)
Ex 4: System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns Using Elimination (No Solution)
Ex 5: System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns Using Elimination (Infinite Solutions)
Solve a Basic System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: No Solution
Solve a Basic System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: Infinite Solutions
Solve a System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: One Solution - No Fractions
Solve a System of Three Equations with Three Unknowns: Infinite Solutions - Functions of t.
System of 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns Application - Interest Problem
System of 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns Application - Concentration Problem
System of 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns Application - Ticket Sales
Solving Systems of Non-Linear Equations
Solve a Nonlinear System Using the Elimination (Addition) Method: Circle and Hyperbola - No Multiplying
Solve a Nonlinear System Using the Elimination (Addition) Method: Line and Parabola
Nonlinear System Number Problem: Sum of Squares and Difference Given
Nonlinear System Number Problem: Sum and Product Given
Ex 1: Solve a System of Nonlinear Equations (Substitution)
Ex 2: Solve a System of Nonlinear Equations (Substitution)
Ex 3: Solve a System of Nonlinear Equations (Elimination)
Solve Nonlinear Systems of Two Eqatuions with Two Unknows by Graphing (Desmos)
Exponents and Polynomials
Exponents and Simplifying Expressions with Exponents
Exponential Notation
Ex: Write Repeated Multiplication Using Exponents
Properties of Exponents
Zero Exponent: Why is a^0=1?
Properties of Exponents (L3.3)
Evaluate Basic Exponential Expressions x^3, 2x^2, (2x)^2
Simplify Basic Exponential Expressions
Evaluate and Simplify Expressions Using the Zero Exponent Rule
Ex: Simplify a Monomial Raised to a Power (09x-45)
Ex: Simplify the Product of Two Monomials (09x-46)
Ex: Simplify a Fraction Raised to a Power (09x-47)
Ex: Simplify a Quotient Using Exponent Rules (09x-48)
Division Properties of Exponents (L4.1)
Ex: Expanding and Evaluating Exponential Notation
Simplify Expressions Using the Product Rule of Exponents (Basic)
Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient Rule of Exponents (Basic)
Simplify Expressions Using the Power Rule of Exponents (Basic)
Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient and Zero Exponent Rules
Simplify Expressions Using the Quotient and Negative Exponent Rules
Simplify Expressions Using Exponent Rules (Product, Quotient, Zero Exponent)
Simplify Expressions Using Exponent Rules (Power of a Product)
Simplify Expressions Using Exponent Rules (Power of a Quotient)
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Product Property of Exponents
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Power Property of Exponents
Ex: Simplify Fractions Raised to Powers (Positive Exponents Only) Version 1
Ex: Simplify Fractions Raised to Powers (Positive Exponents Only) Version 2
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions Using Power Property - Products to Powers
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Quotient Property of Exponents
Simplify and Evaluate Compound Exponential Expressions
Simplify Compound Exponential Expressions (Pos Exp Only)
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions with Fraction Exponents (Product Property of Exponents)
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Product and Power Rule
Ex 1: Exponent Properties (Product, Power Properties)
Ex 2: Exponent Properties (Product, Power Properties)
Ex 3: Exponent Properties (Zero Exponent)
Ex: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Quotient Rule
Ex 1: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Ex 2: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Ex 3: Simplify Exponential Expressions - Positive Exponents Only
Raising Fractions with Variables to Powers ((ax^n)/b)^m
Raising Fractions with Variables to Powers with Simplifying First
Evaluating Products Raised to Powers (a^2*a^3)^2 and (a^2*b^2)^2
Negative Exponents (L4.2)
Negative Exponent: Why is a^(-1)=1/a?
Simplify Basic Expressions with Negative Exponents: -8^(-3), (-8)^(-3), 5y^(-1), (5y)^(-1)
Simplify A Product of Expressions with Neg Exponents (2 Methods)
Simplify A Quotient of Expressions with Neg Exponents (2 Methods)
Simplify A Quotient of Expressions with Neg Exponents (Adv -2 Methods)
Ex: Simplify a Fraction Raised to a Negative Power (09x-49)
Ex: Simplify an Expression With a Negative Exponent (09x-50)
Ex: Evaluate an Expression with a Negative Exponent (09x-51)
Ex: Negative Exponents - Fractions with Powers Raised to Powers
Ex: Negative Exponents - Basics
Simplify a Product With Positive and Negative Exponents
Simplify a Quotient With Positive and Negative Exponents
Simplify Basic Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex: Negative Exponents - Fractions with Powers Raised to Powers
Ex 1: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex 2: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex 3: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex 1: Simplify Exponential Expressions With Negative Exponents – Basic
Ex 2: Simplify Exponential Expressions With Negative Exponents – Basic
Negative Exponents
Ex 1: Simplify an Exponential Expression with Negative Exponents
Ex 2: Simplify an Exponential Expression with Negative Exponents
Ex 3: Simplify an Exponential Expression with Negative Exponents
Ex 4: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex 5: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Ex 6: Simplify Expressions with Negative Exponents
Multiplying Terms with Variables and Negative Exponents
Multiplying Terms with Coefficients and Variables with Negative Exponents
Simplify a Rational Expression Raised to a Negative Power ((4x^b)/(x^c*y^d))^(-a)
Ex 1: Simplify Expressions using Exponent Properties (Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 2: Simplify Expressions using Exponent Properties (Negative / Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 3: Simplify Expressions using Exponent Properties (Negative / Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 4: Simplify Expressions using Exponent Properties (Negative / Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 1: Evaluate Expressions With Negative Exponents (Negative / Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 2: Evaluate Expressions With Negative Exponents (Negative / Quotient / Power Properties)
Ex 1: Exponent Review
Ex 2: Exponent Review
Scientific Notation
Application of Scientific Notation - Quotient 1 (Number of Times Around the Earth)
Application of Scientific Notation - Quotient 2 (Time for Computer Operations)
Introduction to Polynomials
Introduction to Polynomials
Polynomials and Polynomial Terminology (L3.1)
Ex: Polynomial Terminology: Name, Coefficient, Constant, Degree
Determine the Terms and Coefficients of a Variable Expression
Determine if an Expression is a Polynomial
Ex: Algebraic Expression Vocabulary
Ex: Determine the Coefficients of Various Terms
Ex: Intro to Polynomials in One Variable
Ex: Intro to Polynomials in Two Variables
Combine Like Terms
Ex: Combine Like Terms
Identify Like Terms and Combine Like
Simplify Expressions by Combining Like Terms (No Negatives)
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Evaluating Polynomial Expressions and Functions
Evaluate a Polynomial in One Variable
Evaluate Various Algebraic Expressions
Ex 1: Evaluate Basic Algebraic Expressions
Ex 2: Evaluate Basic Algebraic Expressions
Ex 3: Evaluate Algebraic Expressions (Advanced)
Ex: Evaluate a Quadratic Expression With a Negative Value
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form 3x^2y
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form -7x^2-4y^2-8xy+7
Ex: Evaluate an Expression in the Form 6x^2y^2+3xy+4y+5x-8
Evaluate a Quadratic Equation - Death Application
Evaluate a Polynomial Equation - Flu Virus Application
Ex: Quadratic Equation Application - Evaluate and Factor
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials (L3.2)
Add and Subtract Polynomials
Ex: Adding Polynomials
Ex: Subtracting Polynomials
Ex: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Ex: Simplify Polynomial Expressions - Add/Subtract/Multiply
Ex: Polynomial Subtraction Application - Length
Polynomial Function Application: Profit Function From Revenue and Cost Functions
Ex: Polynomial Addition Application - Perimeter
Multiplying Polynomials
Ex: Multiplying Monomials
Multiplying Monomials
Multiply Three Monomials
Ex: Multiplying Using the Distributive Property
Ex: The Distributive Property
Ex: Distribute and Simplify Expressions in Fraction Form
Multiplying Polynomials
Multiply Binomials Using An Area Model and Using Repeated Distribution
Multiply Binomials Using the FOIL Acronym
Multiply Binomials Using a Table
Multiply Binomial with Higher Powers
Multiplication of Polynomials (L3.4)
Ex: Find The Product of Two Binomials (09x-52)
Ex: Find The Square of a Binomials (09x-53)
Ex: Multiplying Polynomials
Special Products of Polynomial
Ex: Multiplying Binomials
Ex: Multiplying Two Binomials Expressions
Ex: Squaring Binomials
Ex: Squaring Binomial Expressions with Two Variables
Ex: Multiplying Binomial Conjugates - Special Binomial Products
Ex: Multiplying Binomial Conjugates
Multiplying Binomial Conjugates with fraction Constants
Ex: Multiplying Binomial Conjugates with Fractions
Multiplying Binomials with Radicals
Multiplying Binomials with Fraction Constants (ax+b/c)(dx+e/c)
Multiplying Binomials and Trinomials
Multiplying a Trinomial and Binomials Then Use Commutative Property
Multiplying Two Trinomials
Ex: Polynomial Multiplication Involving Binomials and Trinomials
Ex 1: Polynomial Multiplication (Mixed Review)
Ex 2: Polynomial Multiplication (Mixed Review)
Ex: Simplify an Expression Involving Squares of Two Binomials
Ex: Find the Area of a Rectangle Using a Polynomial
Ex: Express an Area as an Expression by Decomposing Area
Ex: Determine the Area of a Shaded Region Using a Polynomial
Area Between Rectangles: Difference of the Product of Binomials
Ex: Find an Polynomial Expression for a U-Shaped Area
Ex: Find a Polynomial Expression for Area of Rectangles - Pool Application
Applications from Geometry Using Polynomials (L3.5)
Dividing Polynomials
Dividing Polynomials by a Monomial
Dividing Polynomials by a Monomials (L4.3)
Ex: Divide a Binomial by a Monomial (09x-54)
Ex: Dividing Polynomials by a Monomial (Basic)
Ex: Divide a Polynomial by a Monomial
Dividing Polynomials – Long Division
Divide a Degree 3 Polynomial by a Degree 1 Polynomial (Long Division)
Polynomial Long Division: Degree 3 Divided by ax+b with Remainder
Ex 1: Divide a Trinomial by a Binomial Using Long Division
Ex 2: Divide a Trinomial by a Binomial Using Long Division
Ex 3: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Long Division
Ex 4: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Long Division
Ex 5: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Long Division
Dividing Polynomials – Synthetic Division
Ex 6: Divide a Polynomial by a Degree Two Binomial Using Long Division
Polynomial Synthetic Division: Degree 4 Divided by x+k with Remainder
Polynomial Long Division: Degree 4 Divided by Degree 2
Polynomial Long Division: Degree 4 Divided by Degree 1 (Missing Term)
Ex 1: Divide a Trinomial by a Binomial Using Synthetic Division
Ex 2: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Synthetic Division
Ex 3: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Synthetic Division
Ex 4: Divide a Polynomial by a Binomial Using Synthetic Division
Synthetic Division: Degree 4 Divided by Degree 1 (Missing Term, Neg k)
Synthetic Division: Degree 4 Divided by Degree 1 (Missing Term, Pos k)
Polynomial Division: Perform Synthetic Division when Dividing by ax + b (Degree 3)
Polynomial Applications
Polynomial Multiplication Application - Volume of a Cylinder
Polynomial Subtraction App - Profit Equation from Revenue and Cost
Determining the Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping
Ex: Determine the GCF of Two Monomials (One Variables)
Ex: Determine the GCF of Two Monomials (Two Variables)
Factoring: Greatest Common Factor
Using the TI84 to Help Factor Out the GCF of an Expression
Ex: Factor a Binomial - Greatest Common Factor
Ex 1: Identify GCF and Factor a Binomial
Ex 2: Identify GCF and Factor a Trinomial
Factor the GCF from a Trinomial: 30x^3-36x^2+12x
Factor the GCF from a Trinomial: -12y^4+15y^3-18y^2
Factoring: Grouping Technique
Ex: Factor a Polynomial Using the Grouping Technique
Ex 1: Intro to Factor By Grouping Technique
Ex 2: Intro to Factor By Grouping Technique
Ex 3: Intro to Factor By Grouping Technique
Ex: Factor By Grouping - 4 Terms with Two Variables
Ex: Factor By Grouping - 4 Terms with Common Factor
Factor by Grouping with GCF
Ex 1: Factor By Grouping - Change of Order Required
Ex 2: Factor By Grouping - Change of Order Required
Ex 1: Factor a Quadratic Expression Using Grouping
Ex 2: Factor a Quadratic Expression Using Grouping
Ex 3: Factor a Quadratic Expression Using Grouping
Ex 1: Factor a Quadratic Expression Using Grouping When a = 1
Ex 2: Factor a Quadratic Expression Using Grouping When a = 1
Ex: Factor a Trinomial in Two Variables Using Grouping
Factoring Trinomials with a Leading Coefficient of 1
Factoring a Trinomial With Leading Coefficient equal to 1 – The Basics
Factoring: Basic Trinomials with a = 1
Ex: Factor Trinomials When A equals 1
Ex: Factoring Polynomials with Common Factors
Using the TI84 Table to help Factor Trinomials with a = 1
Factoring Trinomials with a Leading Coefficient Not 1
Factoring Trinomials with Common Factors (Form a(x+b)(x+c))
Factoring a Binomial and Trinomial with a Common Factor
Factoring: Trinomials using Trial and Error and Grouping
Ex: Factor Trinomials When A is NOT Equal to 1 - Trial and Error Method
Ex: Factor Trinomials When A is NOT Equal to 1 - Grouping Method
Factoring: Trinomials using Bottoms-Up
Proof: Bottoms Up Factoring Method
Ex: Factor Trinomials When A is NOT Equal to 1 - Bottoms Up Method
Compare 3 Methods for Factoring ax^2+bx+c (a not 1, no GCF)
Factor a Trinomial with A not 1 Using Trial and Error: 20x^2-13x-72
Factor Trinomials With Common Factors (a Not 1 using Trial and Error)
Factor a Trinomial with A not 1 Using Trial and Error: 5n^2+14n+8, 7x^2-28x+40
Factor a Trinomial with A not 1 Using Trial and Error: 7a^2+18a-40, 3x^2-23x-36
Factor a Trinomial with A not 1 Using Trial and Error: 6x^2+7x-20, 8x^2-42x+27
Factor a Trinomial with A not 1 Using Trial and Error: 12x^2+11x-36
Factor Trinomial with a GCF of the Leading Coefficient: 4x^2+20x-24, 8x^2-32x-96
Factor Trinomial with a GCF of the Leading Coefficient: 5x^3-85x^2+360x, 6x^4+78x^3+216x^2
Factoring a Difference of Squares
Factoring: Difference of Squares
Ex: Factor a Difference of Squares
Ex: Factor a Difference of Squares with a Common Factor
Ex: Factor a Difference of Squares in the Form a^2 - x^2
Factor a Difference of Squares with a Common Factor
Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials
Factoring: Perfect Square Trinomials
Factor Perfect Square Trinomials Using a Formula
Ex: Factor Perfect Square Trinomials
Factor Trinomials With Common Factors (Perfect Square Trinomials)
Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Factoring: Sum and Difference of Cubes
Derive Formulas: Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes (Long Division)
Lesson: Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Ex 1: Factor a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Ex 2: Factor a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Ex 3: Factor a Sum or Difference of Cubes
Factor a Sum and Difference of Cubes with a Common Factor
Other Factoring
Factor a Basic Quadratic Expression By Graphing
Factor Quadratic Expressions by Graphing (Diff of Squares, Perfect Square)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with A Not 1 by Graphing (1)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with A Not 1 by Graphing (2)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with a Common Factor by Graphing
Factor a Quadratic Expression with Leading Coefficient Less Than Zero by Graphing
Do All Expressions Factor?
Factor Expressions with Negative Exponents
Factor Expressions with Fractional Exponents
Factor Expressions Using Substitution
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution and Factoring (Square Root)
Solve an Equation in Quadratic form Using Substitution and Factoring (Degree 4, All Solutions)
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution and Factoring (Binomial Factors)
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution and Factoring (Degree 6, Only Real Solutions)
Factor Using Substitution - Quadratic Form with Integer Powers
Factor Using Substitution - Quadratic Form with Square Root / Rational Exp
Factor Using Substitution - Quadratic Form with Rational Exp and Expressions
Solving Polynomial Equations / Increasing and Decreasing Polynomials
Solving Polynomial Equations Graphically
Determining When a Polynomial Function is Increasing and Decreasing
Determining the Zeros or Roots of a Polynomial Function on the TI83/84
Quadratic Functions and Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Determine if Ordered Pairs are Solutions to a Quadratic Equation
The Zero-Product Property
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
Ex: Solve an Equation in Factored Form
Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - GCF Only
Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation with Fractions - GCF Only
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Greatest Common Factor Only
Ex 1: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - GCF
Ex 2: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - GCF
Ex 1: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - Factor by Grouping
Ex 2: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - Factor by Grouping
Ex: Solve a Quadratic Equation Using Factor By Grouping
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equations When A equals 1
Factor a Trinomial Using the Shortcut Method - Form x^2+bx+c
Ex 1: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Trinomial a = 1
Ex 2: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Trinomial a = 1
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Trinomial a = -1
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Difference of Squares
Ex 1: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation Using Difference of Squares
Ex 2: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation Using Difference of Squares
Ex: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - Perfect Square Trinomials
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Perfect Square Trinomials
Ex: Factor and Solve Quadratic Equation - Greatest Common Factor
Factor a Trinomial With A Common Factor Using the Shortcut Method - Form x^2+bx+c
Factor a Trinomial in the Form ax^2+bx+c Using the Grouping Technique
Factor a Trinomial in the Form -ax^2+bx+c Using the Grouping Technique
Ex 1: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - a not 1
Ex 2: Factor and Solve a Quadratic Equation - a not 1
Ex 1: Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring Completely
Ex 2: Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring Completely
Solve a Quadratic Equations with Fractions by Factoring (a not 1)
Ex: Factor and Solve a Polynomial Equation
Solve a Basic Cubic Eqaution by Factoring x^3-bx=0
Given f(x)=-x^2+4x, Solve f(x)=0 by Factoring
Given f(x)=-x^2-2x+13, Solve f(x)=2 by Factoring
Given f(x)=-x^2, Solve f(x)=4 (No Real Rational Solutions)
Given f(x)=x^2+4x+7, Solve f(x)=1 (No Real Rational Solutions)
Factor By Grouping: Solve Cubic Equations
Factor by Graphing
Factor a Basic Quadratic Expression By Graphing
Factor Quadratic Expressions by Graphing (Diff of Squares, Perfect Square)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with A Not 1 by Graphing (1)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with A Not 1 by Graphing (2)
Factor a Quadratic Expression with a Common Factor by Graphing
Factor a Quadratic Expression with Leading Coefficient Less Than Zero by Graphing
Solving Quadratic Equations Graphically
Ex 1: Solve a Quadratic Equation Graphically on Calculator
Ex 2: Solve a Quadratic Equation Graphically on Calculator
Ex 1: Solving Quadratic Equations Graphically Using x-Intercepts
Ex 2: Solving Quadratic Equations Graphically Using the Intersection Method
Solving Quadratic Equations Using the Square Root Property
Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex 1: Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex 2: Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex 3: Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex 4: Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex: Solve Basic Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Ex: Solve Quadratic Equations Using Square Roots
Solve a Quadratic Equation Using Square Roots x^2+8x=2(32+4x)
Solving a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square
Forming Perfect Square Trinomials
Ex: Form a Perfect Square Trinomial (Even b)
Ex: Form a Perfect Square Trinomial (Odd b)
Ex: Form a Perfect Square Trinomial Fractional b)
Quadratic Expressions: Writing General Form in Standard Form
Ex: Write ax^2+bx+c in the form a(x-h)^2+k (a=1)
Ex: Write ax^2+bx+c in the form a(x-h)^2+k (a>0)
Ex: Write ax^2+bx+c in the form a(x-h)^2+k (a<0)
Ex: Write ax^2+bx+c in the form a(x-h)^2+k (a and b no common factor)
Ex: Creating a Perfect Square Quadratic Trinomial Expression
Ex: Create an Expression with a Perfect Square Quadratic Trinomial
Completing the Square
Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square (b is odd)
Solve a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square (a not 1, b is odd)
Ex 1: Completing the Square - Real Rational Solutions
Ex 2: Completing the Square - Real Irrational Solutions
Ex 3: Completing the Square - Complex Solutions
Ex 4: Completing the Square - Leading Coefficient Not 1
Ex 5: Completing the Square - Leading Coefficient Not 1 (Complex)
Solving a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula
Simplify Radical Expressions (Quadratic Equation Form)
Ex: Simplify a Radical Expression (Quadratic Formula Practice)
Simplify a Square Root Expression in Quadratic Formula Form (Real, Rational)
Simplify a Square Root Expression in Quadratic Formula Form (Real, Irrational)
Using the Quadratic Formula
Ex: The Discriminant
Proof of The Quadratic Formula
Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula (Basic)
Ex: Quadratic Formula - Two Real Rational Solutions
Ex: Quadratic Formula - One Real Rational Repeated Solution
Ex1: Quadratic Formula - Two Real Irrational Solutions
Ex2: Quadratic Formula - Two Real Irrational Solutions
Ex: Quadratic Formula - Complex Solutions
Ex: Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula with Complex Solutions (Decimal Approx.)
Ex: Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula with Complex Solutions (Exact Value)
Ex : Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula - Difference of Squares
Ex : Solve a Quadratic Equation Using the Quadratic Formula - 2 Real Irrational Solutions
Ex : Solve a Quadratic Equation Not Set Equal to Zero Using the Quadratic Formula
Graphing Quadratic Functions
Graphing by Plotting Points - Quadratic (L6.3)
Graph and Determine the Domain and Range of Basic Quadratic Functions
Determine the Domain, Range, and Intercepts of a Quadratic Function from a Graph
Graphing Quadratic Functions in Standard Form
Graphing Quadratic Functions in General Form
Determine Key Components and Equation From a Graph of a Quadratic
Determine Key Components and Equation From a Table of a Quadratic
Graph, Complete a Table, and Determine Intercepts Using Desmos
Graph and Complete a Table for a Function Using a Free Online Calc (MathAS)
Graph a Quadratic Function Using a Table of Value and the Vertex
Ex: Find the Intercepts of a Quadratic Function - Requires the Quadratic Formula
Ex: Graph a Quadratic Function in General Form (Online Graphing Tool)
Ex: Graph a Quadratic Function in Standard Form (Online Graphing Tool)
Graphing Quadratic Functions Using Symmetric Points
Determine Key Components and Graph a Quadratic Function y=-x^2-6x-5
Determine Key Components and Graph a Quadratic Function y=x^2-6x
Ex1: Graph a Quadratic Function in General Form
Ex2: Graph a Quadratic Function in General Form
Ex 3: Graph a Quadratic Function in General Form
Ex 4: Graph a Quadratic Function in General Form by Finding Key Components
Graphing a Quadratic Function in General Form: Vertex, Axis, Intercepts
Ex 1: Graph a Quadratic Function in Standard Form
Ex 2: Graph a Quadratic Function in Standard Form
Ex1: Write a Quadratic Function in Standard Form to Graph
Ex2: Write a Quadratic Function in Standard Form to Graph (a not 1)
Ex: Quadratic Function Review
NEW: Quadratic Function Overview
Ex 1: Key Characteristics of the Graph of a Quadratic Function (Opens Up)
Ex 2: Key Characteristics of the Graph of a Quadratic Function (Opens Down)
Quadratic Function Transformations
Write the Equation of a Quadratic Function From Vertex (Standard) Form to General Form
Quadratic Function: General Form to Vertex Form Using Vertex Equation (a=1)
Quadratic Function: General Form to Vertex Form Using Vertex Equation (a=-1)
Quadratic Function: General Form to Vertex Form Using Vertex Equation (a=-2)
Quadratic Function: General Form to Vertex Form Using Vertex Equation (a=3)
Find the Key Features of a Quadratic Function in Vertex Form: Irrational Intercepts (Rationalize)
Find the Key Features of a Quadratic Function in Vertex Form: Irrational Intercepts (No Rationalizing)
Determining Equations of Quadratic Functions
Ex: Find the Equation of a Quadratic Function from the Graph
Find the Equation of a Quadratic Function from a Graph (a<0)
Find the Equation of a Quadratic Function from a Graph (a>0)
Ex: Find a Quadratic Function Given the Intercepts of the Graph
Ex: Find a Quadratic Function Given the Vertex and the Leading Coefficient.
Ex: Find the Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function Given the Vertex and a Point
Ex: Write a Given Quadratic Function in Vertex Form (a not 1, no fractions)
Ex: Write a Given Quadratic Function in Vertex Form (a not 1, with fractions)
Ex 2: Write a Given Quadratic Function in Vertex Form (a not 1, with fractions)
Ex 1: Find a Quadratic Function With Integer Zeros
Ex 2: Find a Quadratic Function With Fractional Real Zeros
Ex 3: Find a Quadratic Function With Imaginary Zeros
Ex 4: Find a Quadratic Function With Complex Zeros
Ex 5: Find a Quadratic Function With Complex Zeros (Alternative Method)
Ex 1: Find a Quadratic Function Using Sum and Product of Zeros (Integer and Fraction Zeros)
Ex 2: Find a Quadratic Function Using Sum and Product of Zeros (Complex)
Ex: Find the Equation of a Quadratic Function in Vertex, General, and Factored From From Graph
Introduction to Vieta's Formula: Quadratic Equations (Sum and Product of Roots)
Vieta's Formula for Quadratics: Find (r1+1)(r2+1)
Vieta's Formula for Quadratics: Find 2/r1 + 2/r2
Vieta's Formula for Quadratics: Find the Sum of the Square of the Roots
Introduction to Vieta's Formula: Cubic Equations (Sum and Product of Roots)
Applications of Quadratic Equations
Factoring Application - Find the Lengths of Three Sides of a Right Triangle (Pythagorean Theorem)
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to Find the Altitude (Height) of an Airplane
Factoring Application - Find the Time When a Projectile Hits and Ground
Modeling Height with a Quadratic Function: Initial Height / Maximum Height
Ex: Find Consecutive Numbers with a Given Product (Quadratic Equation Application)
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Profit (GCF)
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Profit (Factoring a Trinomial)
Ex: Find the Length of the Diagonal of a Rectangle Given the Area
Quadratic App: Find Consecutive Odds with a Given Product (Factor a = 1)
Quadratic App: Find Consecutive Evens with a Given Product (Factor a = 1)
Quadratic App: Find Integers Given the Difference of the Squares (Factor a Not 1)
Quadratic App: Find the Height of an Isosceles Triangle (Square Roots)
Quadratic App: Find the Base and Height of a Right Triangle (Pythagorean / Quad Form)
Quadratic App: Find Two Numbers Given Difference and Sum of Squares (Factor)
Quadratic App: Find Height and Base of a Triangle Given the Area (Factor)
Quadratic App: Find the Length of a Shadow Using Pythagorean Thm (Square Roots)
Ex: Find the Perimeter of an Equilateral Triangle Given the Area without Trigonometry
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Blood Pressure
Ex: Quadratic Function Application Using Formulas - Rocket Launch
Ex: Quadratic Function Application Using a Graphing Calculator - Rocket Launch
Ex: Find the Size of Cardboard Needed to Make a Box with a Given Volume
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Maximum Temperature Using the TI84
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Horizontal Distance and Vertical Height
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Height at a Given Time and Time an Object Hits the Ground
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Times For a Given Height Using the TI84
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Time and Vertical Height
Ex: Quadratic Model Application - Ticket Price to Maximize Revenue
Ex 1: Quadratic Equation App - Find the Dimensions of a Rectangle Given Area (Factoring)
Ex 2: Quadratic Equation App - Find the Dimensions of a Rectangle Given Area (Factoring)
Ex: Quadratic Equation App - Determine When an Object Hits the Ground (Factoring)
Ex: Quadratic Equation App - Find a Number Given the Sum of A Number and Its Square
Ex: Quadratic Function Application - Maximum Area
Quadratic App: Find the Inputs for a Given Function Value (Quadratic Formula)
Ex: Quadratic Equation App: Find the Width of a Frame (Factoring)
Quadratic Equation App: Find the Pairs of Consecutive Integers that have a Given Product
Quadratic Equation App: Find the Pairs of Consecutive Odd Integers that have a Given Product
Quadratic Equation App: Find The Times a Projectile is at a Specific Height (Quadratic Formula)
Quadratic Equation App: Find The Time of Max Height, Max Height, and Landing Time of a Rocket
Ex: Quadratic Equation App: Find Item Price from Demand and Given Revenue (Quadratic Formula)
Ex: Quadratic Function App: Maximize Area of a Rectangle for a Given Cost of Fencing (Vertex)
Ex: Quadratic Function App: Maximize Area of a Rectangle for a Given Perimeter (Vertex)
Ex: Quadratic Function App: Maximize Area of a Rectangle with 3 Sides Fenced (Vertex)
Ex: Quadratic Function App: Maximize the Yield of a Harvest (Vertex)
Vertex Application: Find the Time Given a Maximum Height (Formula)
Ex: Quadratic Regression on the TI84 - Stopping Distance
Ex: Quadratic Application Solved using the TI84 (Angry Birds)
Ex: Quadratic Application Solved using the TI84 (Profit)
Ex: Quadratic Regression Application Solved using the TI84 (Golf Ball on Uranus)
Quadratic Regression on the TI-84 (Newer OS)
Quadratic Formula Application - Time for an Object to Hit the Ground
Quadratic Formula Application - Determine the Width of a Border
Pythagorean Thm and Quadratic Formula App: Rectangle Dimensions Given Diagonal and Area
Quadratic Formula App: Find the Length and Width of a Rectangle Given the Area
Quadratic App: Find the Dimensions of a Rectangle Given Perimeter and Diagonal
Quadratic Function App: Find Profit from Revenue and Cost (Vertex)
Quadratic Function App: Find Profit from Price-Demand and Cost (Vertex)
Quadratic Function App: Find Profit from Price-Demand (Vertex)
Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Quadratic Inequality Application: Solve Graphically
Solving Quadratic Inequalities
Solve Quadratic Inequalities from a Graph Only
Solve a Quadratic Inequality with Two Terms (Greater Than and Factorable)
Solve a Quadratic Inequality (Less Than or Equal and Factorable with a not 1)
Solve a Quadratic Inequality (Less Than, Factorable, a not 1, No Solution)
Solve a Quadratic Inequality (Less Than or Equal, Irrational, Required Quadratic Formula)
Ex 1: Solve a Quadratic Inequality
Ex 2: Solve a Quadratic Inequality
Ex 1: Graph a Quadratic Inequality on the Coordinate Plane
Ex 2: Graph a Quadratic Inequality on the Coordinate Plane
Solve a Quadratic Inequality: Factorable (Less than Zero)
Solve a Quadratic Inequality: Factorable (Greater Than or Equal to Zero)
Solve a Quadratic Inequality - No Solution
Solve a Quadratic Inequality - All Real Numbers
Quadratic Inequality Application: Solve on Graphing Calculator
Graph a Quadratic Inequality in Two Variables y>a(x-h)+k
Graph a Quadratic Inequality in Two Variables y<=ax^2+bx+c
Quadratic Inequality Application: Factorable
Solve a System of Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables (Form a(x-h)+k)
Solve a System of Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables (Form ax^2+bx+c)
Solving Equations in Quadratic Form
Solve Equations in Quadratic Form by Factoring
Ex 1: Solving Equations in Quadratic Form - Rational Exponents
Ex 2: Solving Equations in Quadratic Form - Higher Powers
Ex 3: Solving Equations in Quadratic Form - Square Root
Ex 4: Solving Equations in Quadratic Form - Negative Exponents
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (x^4)
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (x^(2/3))
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (y-5)^2
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (p+2)^2
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (3y+5)^2
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution (x^2-23)^2
Solve an Equation in Quadratic Form Using Substitution ax^(2/3)