Introduction to Statistics

Introduction to Statistics
Statistics:  Sampling Methods
Statistics Control Groups and the Placebo Effect
Statistics:  Introduction to Experiments and Confounding
Statistics:  Sources of Bias
Statistics: Collecting Data Exercises
Statistic: Levels of Measurement

Describing Data

Describing Categorical Data Using a Bar Graph, Pareto Chart, Pie Chart, and Pictogram
Statistics: Introduction to the Shape of a Distribution of a Variable
Describing Quantitative Data Using a Histogram
Dot Plots, Histograms, and Box Plots Using Demos
Create a Stem and Leaf Plot
Describing Quantitative Data Using Mean, Median, and Mode
How to Find the Range of a Data Set
Determine the Mode from a Frequency Table
Ex: Find the Mean and Median of a Data Set Given in a Frequency Table (odd)
Ex: Find the Mean and Median of a Data Set Given in a Frequency Table (even)
Describing Quantitative Data:  Range and Standard Deviation
Find the Mean and Standard Deviation of a Binomial Distribution (Desmos)
Determine Absolute Error and Percent Error
Describing Quantitative Data:  Quartiles and the Five Number Summary
Determine the Possible Minimum and Maximum from a Histogram
Determine the Sample Size From a Histogram
Determine the Sample Size and Size of a Subset Using a Bar Graph
Determine Frequencies of Subsets from a Histogram
Introduction to Percentiles
Determine the Percent of Data and Number of Values Below and Above a Percentile
Determine the Percent of Data at or Above and at or Below a Percentile
Find a Percentile of a Given Data Set (Average Method)
Determine the Percent of Data an Number of Values Below and Above a Quartile
Ex: Mode, Mid-range, Range, Standard Deviation Using Range Rule of Thumb
Ex:  Complete a Frequency Table
Determine the Relative Frequency from a Frequency Table
Ex:  Find the Sample Size and Percent of Sample From a Bar Graph
Ex:  Make a Prediction using the Sample Statistic (Marbles)
Ex:  Determine a Sample Statistics and Make a Prediction using the Statistic
Ex:  Find the Percent of an Amount Using a Percent in Pie Chart
Ex:  Find the a Percent of a Total Using  an Amount in Pie Chart
Describing Quantitative Data using a Box Plot
Ex 1:  Compare Two Box Plot Values
Ex 2:  Compare Two Box Plot Values
Ex:  Determine the Percent Below a Quartile Using a Box Plot
Ex: Determine a Five Number Summary (Odd)
Ex: Determine a Five Number Summary (Even)
Ex: Determine the Five Number Summary from a Box Plot
Determine Outliers on the TI-84
Determine Outliers by Hand (Odd)
Determine Outliers by Hand (Even)
Determine Five-Number Summary, Outliers, and Create a Box Plot on TI-84
Determine Five-Number Summary, Outliers, and Create a Box Plot (Odd)
Determine Five-Number Summary, Outliers, and Create a Box Plot on (Even)
Creating Box Plots on the TI-84
Ex:  Interpret the Mean and Standard Deviation of Two Data Sets
Ex: Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation
TI84 One Variable Statistics Overview
TI84 One Variable Statistics Overview with Frequency Table
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Five Number Summary
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Mean
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Mean and Median
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Mean and Median Using  a Frequency Table
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Standard Deviation
TI84 One Variable Statistics - Standard Deviation From a Frequency Table
Determine the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range of a Data Set
Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, Min, Max, and Range on the TI84
One Variable Statistics Using Desmos
One Variable Statistics Using a Free Online App (MOER/MathAS)



Introduction to Probability Lesson
Introduction to Odds Lesson
Expected Value Lesson
And, Or, and Conditional Probability Lesson
Counting, Permutations, Combinations, and Probability Lesson
Introduction to Probability
Ex:  Basic Example of Finding Probability - Running a Red Light
Ex:  Basic Example of Finding Probability From a Table
Probability from a Table: Grades and Gender
Ex: Basic Probability Review Using Marbles
Probability Using 3 Colored and Numbered Marbles
Determine Basic Probability with Three Different Colored Marbles
Ex: Find Basic Probabilities When Rolling One Fair Die
Ex: Find Basic Probabilities Using a Deck of Cards
The Probability of a Roulette Wheel
Probability of Selecting a Card from a Deck of Playing Cards
Probability of Select a Letter, Consonant, and Vowel from a Sentence
Determine Probability from a Venn Diagram with Cardinality
Determine the Probability of the Complement of an Event (Percent)
Probability:  The Probability of the Complement of an Event
Probability:  The Probability of Independent Events
Probability of Independent Events:  Weather
Probability of Two Independent Events: Two Rolls of a Fair Die
Probability of Two Independent Events: Socks and Shirts
Probability:  Determine the Probability of the Union of Events
Probability:  Probability of Mutually Exclusive Events
"OR" Probability with Cards: Mutually Exclusive and Not - No Formulas
"OR" Probability with Cards: Mutually Exclusive and Not - Formulas
Determine P(A or B) Given Other Probabilities as Decimals
Introduction to Probability With and Without Replacement
Probability With and Without Replacement: Marbles
Probability With and Without Replacement:  Draw 2 cards, One at a Time
Probability with Rolling Two Dice: And , Or (No Formulas)
Probability Without Replacement (Dependent):  Selecting Students in Order
Conditional Probability Without Replacement:  Draw 2 Cards, One at a Time
Conditional Probability of a Second Roll on a Fair Die Given a First Roll (Independent)
Probability:  Probability of Events Not Mutually Exclusive
Determine Probability from a Venn Diagram (Basic, And, Or, Complement)
Ex: Determine a Probability with AND using a Table
Ex: Determine the Probability of a Union Using a Table (Not Mutually Exclusive - No Formula)
Ex: Determine the Probability of the Union of Two Events (OR)
Ex: Determine the Probability of a Union Using a Table (Not Mutually Exclusive)
Ex: Find the Probability of a Complement Using a Table
Ex: Find the Probability of Dependent Events Two Ways
Ex 2: Find the Probability of Dependent Events
Introduction to Conditional Probability
Ex: Find Conditional Probability Using a Table
Conditional Probability Using a Table:  Pass a Course and Doing Homework
Conditional Probability with Marbles
Conditional, AND, and OR Probability Using a Table: Car Color and Tickets
Ex: Determine Conditional Probability from a Table
Conditional Probability Using a Table: Pregnancy Test
Conditional Probability Using a Venn Diagram: Dance Categories
Basic and Conditional Probability Using a Table: Car Color and Tickets
Probability Mixed Review:  Bingo (Conditional, And, OR, and NOT)
Probability:  Bayes’ Theorem
Conditional Probability Using a Table and Bayes' Theorem: Insurance
Conditional Probability Using a Table and Bayes' Theorem: Hospital Visits
Conditional Probability: Bayes’ Theorem – Disease Testing (Table and Formula)
The Counting Principle
The Counting Principle: Cars, Outfits, and Pizza
The Counting Principle: License Plates, Tests, Codes
Probability: The Counting Principle and Dependent Events
Counting: The Number of 4 Letter Codes from 6 Letters with Various Conditions
Counting: The Number of 5 Letter Passwords With and Without Repetition
Probability of 6 Letters With No Repetition
Probability of 3 letters With No Repetition are Vowels
Simplifying Factorial Expressions
Permutation Examples
Combination Examples
Evaluate Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations Using a Free Online Tool (MOER/Mathas)
Evaluate Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations Using a Free Online Calculator
Factorials, Permutations and Combinations on the Desmos Scientific Calculator
Evaluate Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations Using Desmos
Combinations: The Number of 3 Member Committees from 34 People
Counting: Find the Number of 5 1 Digit Number Picks (Perm and Comb)
Counting Problems
Probability of 4 letters With No Repetition are Vowels
Probability of 3 letters With Repetition are Vowels
Probability a 5 Digit PIN has No Repeated Digits
Probability:  Determining Probability Using Combinations
Determining Probability with Combinations
Probability with Combinations
Probability of Drawing Two Hearts (Combinations and Conditional)
Probability of Drawing Two Aces (Combinations and Conditional)
Probability of Drawing Two Face Cards (Combinations and Conditional)
Probability of 5 Card Hands Using Combinations: Part 1
Probability of 5 Card Hands Using Combinations: Part 2
Conditional, AND, and OR Probability Using a Table: Car Color and Tickets
Probability of Male/Female Committee Members Using Combinations
Expected Value
Ex: Expected Value
Expected Value: Life Insurance
Expected Value:  Raffle
Expected Value of a Discrete Probability Distribution
Find Probabilities and Expected Value of a Discrete Probability Distribution
Find a Probability of a Binormal Distribution (Survival from Disease)
Find Probabilities of a  Binormal Distribution (Coin Tosses)
Ex: Determine Odds from Given Information (Basic)
Ex: Determine Probability Given Odds
Odds of a Roll when Rolling a Single Die
Find Probability from Odds
Probability and Odds of Selecting a Card Face from a Deck of Playing Cards
Determine Odds of a Roulette Wheel
Determine the Complement and Odds of an Event Given Probability (Decimal)
Determine the Complement and Odds of an Event Given Probability (Percent)

Discrete Random Variables

Probability Distribution Function for a Discrete Random Variable
Discrete Probability Distribution
Notation and Probabilities of a Discrete Random Variable Distribution Table
Determine if a Table Represents a Probability Distribution
Find a Missing Probability of a Probability Distribution Table
Expected Value
Ex: Expected Value
Expected Value: Life Insurance
Expected Value:  Raffle
Expected Value of a Discrete Probability Distribution
Find the Expected Value (Mean) for a Discrete Random Variable Prob Dist - Partial Table
Find the Expected Value (Mean) for a Discrete Random Variable Prob Dist - Full Table
Find Probabilities and Expected Value of a

Binomial Probability Distribution

Complete a Binomial Distribution Table and Find Probabilities  (By Hand)
Determine Binomial Probabilities Using Formulas: P(x=k)
Determine Binomial Probabilities Using the TI-84: P(x=k)
Determine Binomial Probabilities Using the TI-84: P(x=k), P(x<=k), P(x>=k)
Determine Binomial Probabilities Using Desmos P(x=k)
Determine Binomial Probabilities Using Desmos: P(x=k), P(x<=k)
Determine Binomial Probabilities of One Color from a Multinomial Probability Distribution
Graph a Binomial Distribution and Find Probabilities Using Desmos (Definition)
Graph a Binomial Distribution and Find Probabilities Using Desmos
Find a Probability of a Binormal Distribution (Survival from Disease)
Find Probabilities of a  Binormal Distribution (Coin Tosses)
Introduction to Multinomial Probabilities

Geometric Probability Distribution
Statistics: Introduction to Geometric Distribution Probabilities
Geometric Distribution Probabilities on the TI-84
Geometric Distribution: Probability, Mean, and Standard Deviation
Statistics: Hypergeometric Distribution Probabilities
Statistics: Intro to the Poisson Distribution and Probabilities on the TI-84
Poisson Distribution Probability with Formula: P(x equals k)
Poisson Distribution Probability with Formula: P(x less than or equal to k)
Statistics: Poisson Distribution Probabilities Using

Continuous Random Variables

Determine Continuous Random Variable Probabilities from Given Probabilities
Mean and Standard Deviation of a Uniform Distribution Using Desmos
Uniform Distribution Probabilities
Basic Uniform Distribution Probabilities
Find a Basic Uniform Distribution Probability from a Given Graph
Uniform Distribution: Checkpoint and Basic Probabilities
Uniform Distribution Percentiles
Uniform Distribution Conditional Probability (2 Methods)
Uniform Distribution Notation and Probabilities: By Hand / Desmos
Determine Uniform Random Variable Probabilities P(c<X<d) : By Hand/TI84/Desmos
Determine Uniform Random Variable Probabilities P(X<c): By Hand/TI84/Desmos
Determine Uniform Random Variable Probabilities P(X>c): By Hand/TI84/Desmos
Uniform Distribution Probabilities Using Desmos
Uniform Distribution Percentiles Using Desmos
Continuous Random Variable: Determine Probabilities Given Alpha Notation
Uniform Distribution: Find x Given Alpha
Introduction to Exponential Distribution Probabilities
Exponential Distribution Percentiles
Exponential Distribution Probabilities and Percentiles (Laptop)
Exponential Distribution: The Memoryless Property

The Normal Distribution

Distribution, Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Standard Deviation Lesson
Quartiles, Five Number Summary, Box Plot, and Percentiles Lesson
Normal Distribution and Empirical Rule With Lesson
Z-scores, Standard Normal Distribution and Percentages/Area on the TI-84 Lesson

Introduction to the Normal Distribution
Order Graphs of a Normal Distribution by Standard Deviation
Normal Distribution: Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation From Graph
Normal Distribution: Use the Empirical Rule to Find Percentages from Graph
Normal Distribution: Use the Empirical Rule to Find Area from Graph
Normal Distribution: Use the Empirical Rule to Find Number of Students with Test Scores
Normal Distribution: Give an Area to Left/Right, Find the Area to the Right/Left
Complete a Normal Distribution Graph Given Mean and Standard Deviation
Complete a Normal Distribution Graph and Apply the Empirical Rule (exam times)
Normal Distribution: Use the Empirical Rule to Find Percent of Scores Less Than Or Equal to X
Ex 1: Normal Distribution - Use the Empirical Rule
Ex 2: Normal Distribution - Use the Empirical Rule
Ex 1A (Norm Dist)  Use the 68-95-99.7 Rule to Find the Percent of Data Between Given Data Values
Ex 1B (Norm Dist)  Use the TI84 to Find the Percent of Data Between Given Data Values
Ex 2A (Norm Dist)  Use the 68-95-99.7 Rule to Find the Percent of Data Between Given Data Values
Ex 2B (Norm Dist)  Use the TI84 to Find the Percent of Data Between Given Data Values
Normal Distribution:  Z-Scores
Introduction to the Standard Normal Distribution
Standard Normal Distribution: Relate Standard Deviation to Z-scores
Standard Normal Distribution: Find a Z Score and a Data Value (Dog Weights)
Normal Distribution: Find a Z Score and a Data Value (General)
Normal Distribution: Find Probabilities Given Z-scores Using Table (Left of Z-score)
Normal Distribution: Find Probabilities Given Data Values Using Table (Left of Z-score)
Normal Distribution:  Find Probability Using With Z-scores Using the TI84
Normal Distribution:  Find Probability Using With Z-scores Using Tables
Normal Distribution:  Find Probability of Data Values Using the TI84
Normal Distribution:  Find Probability of Data Values Using Tables
Ex 1:  Find the Probability of a Z-score Being Less Than a Given Value on a Newer TI84
Ex 2:  Find the Probability of a Z-score Being Greater  Than a Given Value on a Newer TI84
Ex 3:  Find the Probability of a Z-score Being Between Two Z-score on a Newer TI84
Ex 1:  Find a Z-score Given the Probability of Z Being Less Than a Given Value
Ex 2:  Find a Z-score Given the Probability of Z Being Greater Than a Given Value
Ex 1: Find a Probability Given a Data Value Involving a Normal Distribution -  P(x<n) TI84
Ex 2: Find a Probability Given a Data Value Involving a Normal Distribution -  P(x>n) TI84
Ex 3: Find a Probability Given a Data Value Involving a Normal Distribution -  P(m<x<n) TI84
Ex 1: Find a Data Value Given a Probability Involving a Normal Distribution - TI84
Ex 2: Find a Data Value Given a Probability Involving a Normal Distribution - TI84
Normal Distribution: Find Area Under Curve  Using the TI-84 (General)
Normal Distribution Application: Find Area Under Curve Using the TI-84 (Rainfall Probabilities)
Normal Distribution: Find Percent Between Greater Than, Less Than (TI-84)
Normal Distribution: Number of Data Values Between, Greater Than, Less Than Given Values (TI-84)
Find Area Under a Normal Distribution Curve Using a Free Online Tool (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Data Values Using a Free Online App (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Data Values Using a Free Online Calculator (
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Z-scores Using a Free Online Calculator (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Z-scores Using a Free Online Calculator (
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given IQ scores Using a Free Online App (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find the Number of a Sample with Given Weights Using a Free Online App (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find Percent of Days with  Given Rainfall Using a Free Online App (MOER/MathAS)
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Data Values Using Desmos
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Z-scores Using Desmos
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Z-scores Using a Free Online Calculator
Normal Distribution: Find Probability Given Data Values Using a Free Online Calculator
Normal Distribution: Use Desmos Find a Z-score Given Area Under to the Right
Normal Distribution: Use Desmos Find a Data Value that Corresponds to a Percentile
Normal Distribution: Use Desmos Find a Data Value that Corresponds to a Probability

The Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem (Sample Means)
Determine Sample Mean Probabilities Using the TI-84
Determine Sample Mean Probabilities Using Desmos
Determine Sample Mean Probabilities and Percentiles Using the TI-84
Determine Sample Mean Probabilities and Percentiles Using Desmos
Determine Sample Sum Probabilities Using the TI-84
Determine Sample Sum Probabilities Using Desmos
Determine Sample Sum Probabilities and Percentiles Using the TI-84
Determine Sample Sum Probabilities and Percentiles Using Desmos

Confidence Intervals

Introduction to Confidence Intervals (Part 1)
Introduction to Confidence Intervals (Part 2)
Construct a Confidence Interval with a Known Population Standard Deviation (1)
Construct a Confidence Interval with a Known Population Standard Deviation (2)
The Student's t-Distribution: Confidence Intervals
Mean Confidence Intervals Using Student's t-Distribution (Formula)
Mean Confidence Intervals Using Student's t-Distribution (TI-84 Only)
Find Error Bound and Sample Mean from a Confidence Interval
Find a Sample Size Needed Given a Confidence Level (Pop Std Dev Known)
Lesson: Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion on a TI-84
Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion (Voters)
Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion (Basic)
Calculate a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion (Plus Four Method)
Determine a Sample Size of a Population Proportion
Determine a Mean Confidence Interval Using Desmos
Determine a Sample Size for a Mean Confidence Interval Using Desmos
Determine a Mean Confidence Interval From Data Using Desmos (t-distribution)
Determine a Proportion Confidence Interval Using Desmos
Determine a Sample Size for a Proportion Confidence Interval Using Desmos

Hypothesis Testing with One Sample

Lesson: Null and Alternative Hypotheses
Determining if a Hypothesis Test is Left Tailed, Right Tailed, or Two Tailed
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Outcomes: Type I and Type II Errors
Determine Null and Alternative Hypotheses and Type I and Type II Errors
Lesson: One Sample Hypothesis Testing
One Sample Hypothesis Testing: Known Pop Standard Deviation (Z-test) TI-84
One Sample Hypothesis Testing: Proportion (TI-84)
One Sample Hypothesis Testing: Student t-Test (TI-84)

Hypothesis Test with Two Samples

Hypothesis Test: Two Population Means with Unknown Standard Deviations (Right Tailed)
Hypothesis Test: Two Population Means with Unknown Standard Deviations (2 Tailed)
Hypothesis Test: Two Population Means with Unknown Standard Deviations (Data)
Hypothesis Test: Two Population Means with Known Standard Deviations (Right Tailed)
Hypothesis Test: Two Population Proportions
Hypothesis Test: Matched or Paired Data
Cohen's d: Small, Medium, Large Effect Sizes
Hypothesis Test: Matched or Paired Dat

The Chi-Square Distribution

Introduction to the Chi-Square Distribution
Chi-Square Distribution: Goodness of Fit Test (Absent Days)
Chi-Square Distribution: Goodness of Fit Test (Televisions)
Chi-Square Distribution: Test of Independence
Chi-Square Distribution: Test of Homogeneity
Chi-Square Distribution: Test of a Single Variance
Comparison of Chi-Square Tests

Linear Regression and Correlation

Introduction to Regression Analysis
Estimate the Correlation Coefficient Given a Scatter Plot
Linear Regression
Ex: Use a Line of Best Fit to Make Predictions
Ex: Determine a Line of Best Fit and Make Predictions
Ex: Linear Regression Application on the TI84 - Supply and Demand
Linear Regression Using
Ex: Make a Prediction Given the Results of Performing Linear Regression
Ex: Graphical Interpretation of a Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit
Ex 1:  Create a Scatter Plot and then Perform Linear Regression on the Calculator
Ex 2:  Creating a Scatter Plot and Performing Linear Regression on the Calculator
Linear Regression – Example 1Example 2
Linear Regression on the TI84 Graphing Calculator
Linear Regression Application on the TI-84
TI-84: Linear Regression, r and r-squared
TI-84: Linear Regression - Meaning of Slope and Vertical Intercept (Investment)
Linear Regression Using Desmos

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